I am using the reaction environment from the chemmacros package to typeset a few, simple chemical reactions.
I would like to customize the way I am referencing to my reaction. Ideally, the whole reference name (and hence hyperlink) would be "Reaction {#1}" (yes, with the curly brackets, to be consistent with the equation tag).
I cannot use the cleveref package, as it has weird interactions with the rest of my document, I would rather stick with the \ref and \autoref commands. Here is my MWE (please note that I am actually using a memoir class document, if it changes anything):
\chemsetup{modules = all}
Reaction \autoref{rxn:water} is good.
H3O+ + HO- = 2 H2O "\label{rxn:water}"
Reaction \ref{rxn:water} is just water...
Thanks in advance!