Consider the following MWE:

\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}
\foreach \n in {.5,.75,...,20}
                \useasboundingbox (-1,-2) rectangle (1,1);
                    \draw[dashed] (0,.5) -- (0,-2);
%                   \pgfmathsetmacro\newangle{(\limit/(360))*2*3.14}
%                   \foreach \x in {0,-10,...,\limit}
%                   {
%                       \pgfmathsetmacro\angle{45*abs(sin(\n r))}
            \pgfmathsetmacro\angle{((e^(-.25*\n)*cos(2*\n r)))*30-90}
                \draw (0,0) -- (\angle:1.5);
            \fill[rotate=\angle] (-.5,0) -- (0,-1) -- (.5,0) -- cycle;
%               \fill[rotate around={(-.5*\angle:(\angle:1.5))}] ([xshift=-.1cm]\angle:1.5) -- ([yshift=-.1cm]\angle:1.5) -- ([xshift=.1cm]\angle:1.5) -- cycle;
            \fill[shift={(\angle:1.5)},red] (90+\angle:.5) -- (270+\angle:.5) -- (\angle:.7) -- cycle;
            \draw[fill=white] (\angle:1.5) circle(.5cm);
%                   }
        Hallo, Welt!

Here is the output:


My question is: How can I encrease the transduration speed?

  • 3
    \transduration{0}, this will change slides as fast as your pdf viewer allows Commented Oct 26, 2018 at 14:41
  • 1
    If you are willing to use acroread (perhaps with Wine on Linux), the animation can be produced with the animate package. It provides the measure option for testing the animation speed. On my PC I get a max value of 62 frames per second for your example.
    – AlexG
    Commented Oct 26, 2018 at 15:06

1 Answer 1


\transduration{...} takes as argument the time in seconds each slide is displayed, so the speed of your animation is

enter image description here

thus to increase the speed, you have to decrease the transduration of the slides. The lowest possible value is \transduration{0}, then the duration will just be the time your pdfviewer needs to render the next slide.

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