I am using the apacite
package to write my thesis. I've noticed that when I only have 1 author as a reference, it also prints the first name. According to the APA guidelines this should not be the case. Does anyone know why it's happening?
According to \citet{Oxfam} ...
author = "{Jon Slater}",
title = "Annual income of richest 100 people enough to end global poverty four times over",
year = "2013",
howpublished = "{\url{https://www.oxfam.org/en/pressroom/pressreleases/2013-01-19/annual-income-richest-100-people-enough-end-global-poverty-four}}"
note = {Accessed: 2018-09-17}
Text output:
According to Jon Slater (2013),
author = "Jon Slater",
orauthor = {Jon Slater},
. If you useauthor = "{Jon Slater}",
Jon Slater
will be treated as a unit (as a person with the family name "Jon Slater" and no first name).