I need to create two bibliographies for my thesis. One for articles and one for books. I have to seperate .bib files. I tried to use several packages but none of them worked. Unfotunately I cannot use biblatex because I am using bibulous which is not compatible with biblatex. I read several forum posts related to creating two seperate bibliographies in one document but they were all quite old so I am not sure which of the many packages to create two bibliographies works the best.

I am adding a MWE with my approach with multibib.

\documentclass[11pt, a4papter] {scrartcl}

book =  <au>. {<title>} [<address> <year>.]
article = <au>. {<title>} [\textit{<journal>,] [<year>,] [<number>,}] [<pages>.]

citelabel = <authorlist.0.last>, <year>
sortkey = <authorlist.0.last><year>

namelist_format = last_name_first
use_firstname_initials = False

  chapter   = {10. Armee als Spiegelbild der Gesellschaft},
  pages     = {170},
  title     = {Sicherheit 2018},
  publisher = {Tresch, Szvircsev Tibor; Wenger, Andrea.},
  year      = {2018},


  author  = {Tresch, Tibor Szvircsev and Sokoli, Evgjenije},
  title   = {Schweizer Rekruten mit Migrationshintergrund : motiviert und leistungsbereit},
  journal = {Allgemeine schweizerische Militärzeitschrift},
  year    = {2013},
  number  = {12},
  pages   = {40-41},


\newcites{ltex}{\TeX\ and \LaTeX\ References}

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, \citet{asmz} consetetur sadipscing elitr, 



If someone could help me I would be very grateful.

  • Please note that you must separate names with and not with a semicolon in the source regardless of the desired output: tex.stackexchange.com/q/36396/35864. It should be author = {Tresch, Tibor Szvircsev and Sokoli, Evgjenije},
    – moewe
    Commented Nov 9, 2018 at 16:07

1 Answer 1


Bibulous is a drop-in replacement for BibTeX, so multibib with Bibulous should work exactly as it did with BibTeX. Because BibTeX's workflow was not really designed with multiple bibliographies in mind, multibib can be a bit awkward to use. Please have a look at the multibib documentation for more details. In particular LaTeX will need to write a separate .aux file for each separate bibliography you want to create and you have to run BibTeX/Bibulous on each file.

Suppose your document

\documentclass[11pt, a4papter, nswissgerman]{scrartcl}

book =  <au>. <title> [<address> <year>.]
inbook =  <au>. \enquote{<title>} in \textit{<booktitle>}[ <address> <year>][, <chapter>], S. <pages>.
article = <au>. <title> \textit{<journal>,[ <year>,][ <number>]}[, <pages>.]

authorlist = <author.to_namelist()>
editorlist = <editor.to_namelist()>
authorname.n = [<authorlist.n.prefix> ]<authorlist.n.last>[, <authorlist.n.first>][,  <authorlist.n.suffix>.]
editorname.n = [<editorname.n.prefix> ]<editorname.n.last>[, <editorname.n.first>][,  <editorname.n.suffix>.]
au = <authorname.0>; ...; <authorname.999>
ed = <editorname.0>; ...; <editorname.999>

citelabel = <authorlist.0.last>, <year>
sortkey = <authorlist.0.last><year>

namelist_format = last_name_first
use_firstname_initials = False

  author    = {Tibor Szvircsev Tresch and Andreas Wenger and Stefano De Rosa 
               and Thomas Ferst and Mauro Giovanoli and Eva Moehlecke de Baseggio
               and Olivia Schneider and Jennifer Victoria Scurrell},
  title     = {Armee als Spiegelbild der Gesellschaft},
  chapter   = {10},
  pages     = {161-184},
  booktitle = {Sicherheit 2018},
  editor    = {Tresch, Szvircsev Tibor and Wenger, Andrea.},
  year      = {2018},


  author  = {Tresch, Tibor Szvircsev and Sokoli, Evgjenije},
  title   = {Schweizer Rekruten mit Migrationshintergrund : motiviert und leistungsbereit},
  journal = {Allgemeine schweizerische Militärzeitschrift},
  year    = {2013},
  number  = {12},
  pages   = {40-41},


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, \citet{asmz} consetetur sadipscing elitr. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. \citeltex{sicherheit2018}


is called test.tex.

Compile it with

  1. pdflatex test
  2. python bibulous.py test.aux
  3. python bibulous.py ltex.aux
  4. pdflatex test
  5. pdflatex test

to obtain

screenshot of the document with two bibliographies

Note that I fixed the syntax error mentioned in the comments (names must be separated with and) and made other cosmetic changes to your style and .bib files.

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