I have a document that is about 1/3 to 1/2 page long. I want to compile it to a PDF document. That PDF document will be included in another document, so I want it to be short - it should contain only the contents of the document, without white space below it. How can I do this?


2 Answers 2


You could use the standalone class in combination with a minipage of the same width as the text in your main document:






To find out what the width of the text in your main document is, the showdim package offers the \tenthpt macro:








enter image description here

(the vertical space between the text and the image might need a bit of adjustment)


Use pdfcrop:


\usepackage{lipsum} % for mock text

\pagestyle{empty} % no page ornaments




Save this as shortdoc.tex and run

pdflatex shortdoc
pdfcrop shortdoc

This will produce shortdoc-crop.pdf, that you can include with \includegraphics.

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