I use the following code to draw a table, with a red rectangle around a cell; and a text referring to this cell.
But this code neither give me a control of the slide on which the rectangle is displayed, nor of the position of the arrow and text in relation to the targeted cell.
I would like to draw the rectangle on slide 2 with a node attached to it containing the arrow and text instead of drawing and aligning them manually. If possible with a tikzset to control the x and y relation between the node and rectangle according to the position of the targeted cell inside the table.
\beamertemplatenavigationsymbolsempty % suppress navigation bar
\usetikzlibrary{arrows, arrows.meta, positioning, shapes, fit, shapes.misc}
\tikz[overlay,remember picture]
\node (marker-#1-a) at (0,1.5ex) {};
\tikz[overlay,remember picture]
\node (marker-#1-b) at (0,0) {};
\tikz[overlay, remember picture, thick, red, inner sep=3pt]
\node[draw, rounded rectangle, fit=(marker-#1-a.center) (marker-#1-b.center)] {};
\hspace {-1.cm}
A & B & C & D & E & F \\
A1 & B1 & \marktopleft{c1}C1\markbottomright{c1} & D1 & E1 & F1 \\
A2 & B2 & C2 & D2 & E2 & F2 \\
A3 & B3 & C3 & D3 & E3 & F3 \\
A4 & B4 & C4 & D4 & E4 & F4 \\
\hspace {-3.cm}
\draw<2-> [ultra thick, red, -latex'] (0,0) -- +(180:3.36) node [text width=2.2cm, draw=red, very thick, fill=red!15!white, align=center, xshift=4.5cm, yshift=0cm, rounded corners=5pt] {\bf Appreciation};