In a longtable, I list items of several categories, including some data on them.
\textbf{These are some items} & &\\
\textbf{These are items of type A} & \textbf{Size} & \textbf{Price}\\
Item 1 & 3 foot & 3.56\\
Item 2 & 2 inches & 2.56\\
Item 3 & 5 inches & 1.50\\
\textbf{These are items of type B} & \textbf{Weight} & \textbf{Price}\\
Item A & 3 pounds & 10.50\\
Item B & 5 ounces & 6.95\\
Item C & 1 pound & 3.00\\
What I would like to get is to change the running head whenever a new category is begun, so that if e.g. there is a page break between Item B and Item C, the header on the next line would read the "These are items of type B" line (so the columns are properly labeled).
Can this be done with longtable
or any other "long table" package? I couldn't find information on this. (My google-fu is weak today...)