When I start tikzedt on windows 10
I face the problem of a path variable as in fig. A solution is requested.
When I start tikzedt on windows 10
I face the problem of a path variable as in fig. A solution is requested.
It took me three days searching for the answer to finale understand the problem and how to correct it by myself. The solution for Windows I share below.
In Settings -> Settings: Set the "Path to PdfLatex" as:
C:/Users/YOURNAME/AppData/Local/Programs/MiKTeX 2.9/miktex/bin/x64/pdflatex
It should be without the extension ".exe" at the end and without quotes. It should be a very similar path to the result path when you click at:
Settings -> Try to install missing Latex packages -> I use Miktex
if your installation is correct. You MUST regenerate the headers by clicking on:
Compilation -> (Re-)Generate precompiled headers
Then TikZEdt should work fine once again.