I am writing some programming instructions for students, and I am trying to format the code so that it looks like the cell input/output structure of a Jupyter or Google Colab notebook. So I want it to look something like
So far I've been using the minted package to get the code because I like its automatic syntax highlighting and the listings package because it looks like the output of a notebook.
\usepackage[framemethod=tikz]{mdframed} %%to make a framed environment
print("Hello world!")
Hello world!
This looks good for the most part, except when LaTeX does weird things with spreading the vertical spacing out on a page, it separates the minted environment from the listings environment vertically. I would like to combine these into one environment to force them to stay together.
I know that I can combine environments together like
\newcommand{\nextpart}{\end{proof} \begin{proof}}
so that
First proof
Second proof
However, when I try defining
and using it in a similar way, I get an error. Is there a way to get this to work, or another solution to formatting my output like this? Thanks in advance!
-only solution, i.e. that you could produce the 'output' also withminted
. You may want to look intotcolorbox
and its verbatim boxes, they offer a nice interface for 'divided' boxes for presentation of input/output or code/result.\newenvironment{cell}
does not work because the environments involved areverbatim
commands and environments have some restrictions in how they can be used in other commands and also in how you can hide their beginning and end code.\nextpart
in there.