This is a follow-up question to How can I use `\renewcommand` to wrap `\colorbox` around `\Verb`?

I have TeX files which contain code like:

\Verb|print("Hello World", end="")|

The \Verb content should have a background color. However, I cannot modify the body of the TeX files - only the preamble. The solution with the newverbs package from the question linked above works fine with this.

It doesn't work for \Verb[commandchars=\\\{\}], though, like:

\Verb[commandchars=\\\{\}]|print("Hello World", end="")|





This works: \Verb|print("Hello World", end="")|

%This doesn't work: \Verb[commandchars=\\\{\}]|print("Hello World", end="")|


1 Answer 1


The approach suggested in your previous question is incompatible with fancyvrb's key-value system. When you do \renewcommand{\Verb}{...}, this command will no longer belong to fancyvrb.

I suggest a different approach: We redefine \FVC@Verb (the underlying macro in \Verb) and add a \FV@CMD around it, so we can change, with a key, the meaning of \FV@CMD and wrap the verbatim content with whatever we want. Boiling it down simply we will do:

\FV@CMD{<verbatim stuff>}

which is exactly what the \collectverb approach was doing.

First we make sure that \FV@CMD exists:


then we make a key that will change its value:


and finally we incorporate that to the \FVC@Verb macro:

    \FancyVerbGetVerb\FV@EOL}%          ^^^^^^^   ^ Added this

Then all we have to do is to redefine \FV@CMD to \colorbox{lightgray}:


This will have global effect, so you can use it in the preamble as you need. But if you use as argument to a \Verb command it will work as well, but will have local effect only.

Full code:





This works: \Verb|print("Hello World", end="")|

This does work: \Verb[commandchars=\\\{\}]|print("Hello World", end="")|


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