I'm using MikTex and I'm attempting to create a government statute-type document that has nested levels such as:
I. Section
A. Subsection
1. Subsubsection
Additionally, I would like "enumerate" to start where the section, subsection, etc. leaves off, such that \begin{enumerate} starts with A. or B. underneath a section, or 1. or 2. underneath a subsection, etc., such that rather than having the section title, it prints normal text as needed.
I have been attempting to use the following code to change the section numbering (based on other answers on stackexchange), but I continue to get an error reading "Undefined control sequence. \subsection{name of subsection}".
I know I could manually reset the numbering using something like the following:
\item Continue numbering
However, I'm hoping to automate the process. I hope this makes sense as to what I'm attempting to accomplish. Please let me know if I can clarify further.
Here's a minimum working example.
\usepackage{setspace, graphicx, fullpage, fancyhdr, amssymb, amsmath, epsfig, array, multirow, hyperref, tabularx, lscape, booktabs, sidecap, subfig, longtable, enumitem, libertine, todonotes}
\title{\huge The Constitution}
\author{\large The Author}
We shall be called The Government.
\item To represent the people.
\item To preserve democracy.
Who are the members?
\subsubsection{Voting Members}
These people can vote.
TL;DR I need \renewcommand\thesection{\Roman{Section}}
to work, and I need the enumerate function to continue the numbering of the section wherever it leaves off to print normal text rather than titles.
EDIT: A visual example from a legislative drafting website (but with a different numbering order/layout):
(a) (Subsection could be a label/heading, but also could be just the enumerate at the same level as plain text)
(1) (Subsubsection, could be a label/heading, but also could be just the enumerate at the same level as plain text)
(A) (Paragraph, should be text)
(i) (Clause, should be text)
(I) (Subclause, should be text)
. Should the "to represent the people" enumerate label beB.1