Can someone help with option clash for package fontspec? I'm compiling by using XeLaTeX in TeXmaker 5.0.3. I get this error and I don't see preview in program, however PDF is producing.
\geometry{lmargin=30mm, rmargin=20mm, tmargin=30mm, bmargin=30mm, foot=10mm, head=10mm}
\setmainfont{Segoe Print}
\setmathsfont(Digits){Segoe Print}
\setmathsfont(Latin){Segoe Print}
\setmathrm{Segoe Print}
$y=x^{100}\ln x$
$\leftarrow$ gdy nie ma idealnego działania między funkcjami to między tymi funkcjami występuje działanie mnożenia/iloczyn
if you’re includingmathspec
. Removefontenc
if you’re using either. Sincemathspec
is XeTeX-only, you’re automatically using utf-8 and also want to removeinputenc
. Etc.mathspec
with different options.