I need to draw an isosceles trapezoid with perpendicular diagonals, but I am not sure where to start. Here is my code for a square with perpendicular diagonals (if it is even helpful).
\coordinate[label=left:$W$] (W) at (0,0);
\coordinate[label=right:$X$] (X) at (1,0);
\coordinate[label=:$Y$] (Y) at (1, 1);
\coordinate[label=:$Z$] (Z) at (0, 1);
\coordinate[label=:$O$] (O) at (0.5, 0.5);
\draw[] (W)--(X)--(Y)--(Z)--(W)--(Y)--(Z)--(X);
\draw (O) -- node[sloped] {$\|$} (Y);
\draw (O) -- node[sloped] {$\|$} (Z);
\draw (O) -- node[sloped] {$\|$} (X);
\draw (O) -- node[sloped] {$\|$} (W);
Would I have to mathematically find the coordinates of one such trapezoid or is there another way to do it? All help is appreciated!
should be like that. But, if you want to specify the base angles, so that is another history.