I am trying to add shadow to node. For normal node, the shade will not impact the label. However, for nodes inside a matrix, the labels are shadowed too.

MWE below

\documentclass[border=5mm, convert]{standalone}
\usetikzlibrary{shapes, positioning, matrix, shadows}

        \tikzset{myrect/.style={draw, rectangle, font=\ttfamily, fill=white, drop shadow}}
        \tikzset{mylabel/.style={color=blue, font=\tiny \ttfamily}}
        \node[myrect, label={[mylabel]above:normal label}] (ele) {Single Element};

        \matrix (layer) [matrix of nodes, nodes={myrect, anchor=center}, column sep = 1cm, below = of ele] {
            |[label={[mylabel]:matrix label 1}]|matrix element 1 &
            |[label={[mylabel]:matrix label 2}]|matrix element 2 &
            |[label={[mylabel]:matrix label 3}]|matrix element 3 \\

The output is as the following:enter image description here

How this happen and is there way to avoid it?

  • 2
    The nodes= key for the matrix is like a shortcut for every node/.style= and since labels are also nodes, they also get the drop shadow. I suspect that some keys, like draw are reset within a label, but others like drop shadow are not.
    – Max
    Jan 11, 2019 at 9:54
  • 2
    You could use the no shadows key from solution B from this answer and add it to your mylabel style. That would delete all preactions added to the labels, including the drop shadow.
    – Max
    Jan 11, 2019 at 10:06

1 Answer 1


One way is to adjust the your style-set definitions (as done by @marmot):

 \documentclass[tikz, margin=3mm]{standalone}
\usetikzlibrary{shadows, shapes, positioning, matrix}
\makeatletter % from https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/129322/121799
\tikzset{no shadows/.code=\let\tikz@preactions\pgfutil@empty}
    every node/.style = {font= \ttfamily, draw, fill=white, drop shadow},
    every label/.append style = {
        font=\tiny \ttfamily,
        color = blue,
    \node [label={[no shadows]foobar}]  (ele) {node with shadow};
    \matrix (layer) [no shadows, matrix of nodes, draw = none, column sep = 1cm, below = of ele] {
        |[label={[no shadows]:matrix label 1}]|matrix element 1 &
        |[label={[no shadows]:matrix label 2}]|matrix element 2 &
        |[label={[no shadows]:matrix label 3}]|matrix element 3 \\

This should give you:

enter image description here

  • 1
    Thank you, both you and @Max point me to solution of disable preactions. I am still wondering if there can be options in matrix to avoid polluting the label
    – Eric Sun
    Jan 11, 2019 at 10:26
  • @EricSun Also, as far as not to pollute the matrix environment, I dont know. May be I can look it up. Jan 11, 2019 at 10:30
  • 1
    Don't mark accepted because I am afraid people may stop entering this post when they find there has already been an answer. Anyway I have checked it now :)
    – Eric Sun
    Jan 11, 2019 at 10:31

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