I've got a problem with my custom definitions-file. The file has hundreds of command definitions (with \newcommand
or \renewcommand
; mainly shortcuts for mathematical terms, programm names,...). I used the commands in this file to write a document. But now I saw, that im not allowed to submit such additional files, so all command-definitions have to be placed in the main-file. I don't want to search for all used commands by hand and I also don't want to paste the whole definitions-file into the main-file, because I only use a small subset.
So my question is: Is there any way to get a list of the commands in my definitions-file that I use in the main-file? Or is there a way to automaticly delete all unused commands in the definitions-file?
I don't now if it is important in that case, but I compile the document with latex-dvips-ps2pdf
Thanks in advance! Greetings,
and some others. Then I run LaTeX and see what's missing from the error messages. It takes some time, but is guaranteed to slim the preamble to the bare minimum needed.