I want to draw parallel arrows (for example 10 arrows) from a line to a curve. It is not good idea that dividing the line and curve to 10 parts and then join them to each other because of mathematical reason the resulting arrows are not parallel.
What I have done is the following.
\begin{tikzpicture}[allow upside down]
\draw (0,0) circle (3.5);
\draw (0,3.5) arc (90:-90:1.75 and 3.5) \foreach \p in {0,5,...,100} {
node[inner sep=0cm,above,pos=\p*0.01,
minimum height=\p*0.03cm,minimum width=(10+\p)*0.3cm]
(N \p){}
\draw (0,3.5) --(0,-3.5) \foreach \p in {0,5,...,100} {
node[inner sep=0cm,above,pos=\p*0.01,
minimum height=\p*0.03cm, minimum width=(10+\p)*0.3cm]
(M \p){a}
\foreach \p in {5,10,15,...,95} {
\draw[-latex,blue] (N \p.center) -| (0,0);