I created this nice Polygon using the following code
%---------------------------- Tikz Libraries ------------------------------%
\usetikzlibrary{decorations, decorations.markings}
\usetikzlibrary{arrows, arrows.meta}
%========================== Middle & pointing arrows ==========================%
% usage: \draw[->-] or \draw[->-=6pt red 1]
\tikzset{ ->-/.style args={#1 #2 #3}{
decoration={markings,mark= at position 0.5 with {\arrow{stealth}}, },
postaction={decorate}, },
->-/.default= {0.5 6pt black }}
%========================== Middle & pointing arrows ==========================%
% usage: \draw[-<-] path; or \draw[-<-=6pt red 1] path;
\tikzset{ -<-/.style args={#1 #2 #3}{
decoration={markings,mark= at position 0.5 with {\arrow[>=stealth]{<}}, },
postaction={decorate}, },
-<-/.default= {0.5 6pt black }}
%Polygon 12 Seiten
\node[fill=gray!10] (pol) [
minimum size=0.9\textwidth, regular polygon, regular polygon sides=12, rotate=195 ]{};
\foreach \x/\y/\i in {1/2/1,5/6/2,9/10/3} %\alpha's
(pol.corner \x)--(pol.corner \y)
\foreach \x/\y/\i in {3/4/1,7/8/2,11/12/3} %inverse \alpha's
(pol.corner \x)--(pol.corner \y)
\foreach \x/\y/\i in {2/3/1,6/7/2,10/11/3} %\beta's
(pol.corner \x)--(pol.corner \y)
node[black!10!blue,midway]{$\beta_ {\i}$};
\foreach \x/\y/\i in {4/5/1,8/9/2,12/1/3} %inverse \beta's
(pol.corner \x)--(pol.corner \y)
\draw[black!40!green,decoration={ markings, mark=at position 0.5 with {\arrow{stealth}}}, postaction={decorate}]
(0,-5.44) --(-2.21,-0.63) node[midway, left] {$\xi_1$} ;
\draw[black!40!green,decoration={ markings, mark=at position 0.5 with {\arrow{stealth}}}, postaction={decorate}]
(0,-5.44) -- (0,-20pt) node[midway, left] {$\xi_2$};
\draw[black!40!green,decoration={ markings, mark=at position 0.5 with {\arrow{stealth}}}, postaction={decorate}]
(0,-5.44) -- (2.21,-0.63) node[midway, left] {$\xi_3$};
% 3 Kreise mit Beschriftung
\draw[violet,decoration={markings, mark=at position 0.26 with {\arrow[>=stealth]{<}}},
postaction={decorate},fill=white] (-2.5,0) circle (20pt) ;
\node[violet,above] at (-2.5,20pt) {$\rho_1$};
\draw[violet,decoration={markings, mark=at position 0.26 with {\arrow[>=stealth]{<}}},
postaction={decorate},fill=white] (0,0) circle (20pt);
\node[violet,above] at (0,20pt) {$\rho_2$};
\draw[violet,decoration={markings, mark=at position 0.26 with {\arrow[>=stealth]{<}}},
postaction={decorate},fill=white] (2.5,0) circle (20pt);
\node[violet,above] at (2.5,20pt) {$\rho_3$};
Now, I tried to copy and paste this code into my paper. Here is a minimal example
\documentclass[oneside, a4paper,12pt]{article}
\usetikzlibrary{decorations, decorations.markings}
\usetikzlibrary{arrows, arrows.meta}
\usetikzlibrary{matrix, arrows, decorations.pathmorphing}
%========================== Middle & pointing arrows ==========================%
% usage: \draw[->-] or \draw[->-=6pt red 1]
\tikzset{ ->-/.style args={#1 #2 #3}{
decoration={markings,mark= at position 0.5 with {\arrow{stealth}}, },
postaction={decorate}, },
->-/.default= {0.5 6pt black }}
%========================== Middle & pointing arrows ==========================%
% usage: \draw[-<-] path; or \draw[-<-=6pt red 1] path;
\tikzset{ -<-/.style args={#1 #2 #3}{
decoration={markings,mark= at position 0.5 with {\arrow[>=stealth]{<}}, },
postaction={decorate}, },
-<-/.default= {0.5 6pt black }}
%Polygon 12 Seiten
\node[fill=gray!10] (pol) [
minimum size=0.9\textwidth, regular polygon, regular polygon sides=12, rotate=195 ]{};
\foreach \x/\y/\i in {1/2/1,5/6/2,9/10/3} %\alpha's
(pol.corner \x)--(pol.corner \y)
\foreach \x/\y/\i in {3/4/1,7/8/2,11/12/3} %inverse \alpha's
(pol.corner \x)--(pol.corner \y)
\foreach \x/\y/\i in {2/3/1,6/7/2,10/11/3} %\beta's
(pol.corner \x)--(pol.corner \y)
node[black!10!blue,midway]{$\beta_ {\i}$};
\foreach \x/\y/\i in {4/5/1,8/9/2,12/1/3} %inverse \beta's
(pol.corner \x)--(pol.corner \y)
\draw[black!40!green,decoration={ markings, mark=at position 0.5 with {\arrow{stealth}}}, postaction={decorate}]
(0,-5.44) --(-2.21,-0.63) node[midway, left] {$\xi_1$} ;
\draw[black!40!green,decoration={ markings, mark=at position 0.5 with {\arrow{stealth}}}, postaction={decorate}]
(0,-5.44) -- (0,-20pt) node[midway, left] {$\xi_2$};
\draw[black!40!green,decoration={ markings, mark=at position 0.5 with {\arrow{stealth}}}, postaction={decorate}]
(0,-5.44) -- (2.21,-0.63) node[midway, left] {$\xi_3$};
% 3 Kreise mit Beschriftung
\draw[violet,decoration={markings, mark=at position 0.26 with {\arrow[>=stealth]{<}}},
postaction={decorate},fill=white] (-2.5,0) circle (20pt) ;
\node[violet,above] at (-2.5,20pt) {$\rho_1$};
\draw[violet,decoration={markings, mark=at position 0.26 with {\arrow[>=stealth]{<}}},
postaction={decorate},fill=white] (0,0) circle (20pt);
\node[violet,above] at (0,20pt) {$\rho_2$};
\draw[violet,decoration={markings, mark=at position 0.26 with {\arrow[>=stealth]{<}}},
postaction={decorate},fill=white] (2.5,0) circle (20pt);
\node[violet,above] at (2.5,20pt) {$\rho_3$};
But then it produces the following image
As you can see, the positioning of the green lines is not correct anymore. I didn't scale the picture, so I have no idea what went wrong.
or similar the green lines are still at the correct positionresizebox
? I thinkresizebox
comes withgraphicx
package andadjustbox
is a package by itself.help lines
) on top it, you may be able to see the reason why :D.12pt
option and thestandalone
file does not, and therefore as10pt
active. That can affect the sizes if they are relative to the font size. Try the main document without12pt
and see if the diagram is the same.