I have a simple 2D vector, however the points are aligned such that the vectors at the top pointing upwards are not include in the plot. I was wondering if there's a way to make the vector field more evenly distributed as seen here,.
The image is the second axis in the pgfplot.
view = {0}{90},
domain = -1:1,
y domain = -1:1,
samples = 21,
xmax = 1,
ymax = 1
\addplot3 [blue, quiver={u={-(x)/(x^2+y^2)}, v={-(y)/(x^2+y^2)}, scale
arrows=0.04},samples=8,->] (x,y,0);
\draw (axis cs:0,0) node [above] {$z_0$};
\filldraw(axis cs: 0,0)circle(1pt);
\begin{axis}[ xshift=8cm,
view = {0}{90},
domain = -1:1,
y domain = -1:1,
samples = 21,
xmax = 1,
ymax = 1
\draw (axis cs:1.25,1.25) circle [blue, radius=0.3];
\addplot3 [blue, quiver={u={(x)/(x^2+y^2)}, v={(y)/(x^2+y^2)}, scale
arrows=0.04},samples=8,->] (x,y,0);
\draw (axis cs:0,0) node [above] {$z_0$};
\filldraw(axis cs: 0,0)circle(1pt);
\caption{Sink and source centred around $z_0$.}