I have different symbols represent different cases for my study such as \triangledown, \vartriangle and \circ. I wanted to change the color of the symbol to represent different cases using rgb. I defined the color but only the color of the outline is changed only. I wanted the symbol to be filled with color too. Can anyone help?

Thank you


%%define color
\caption{Details of the computational mesh.}
    Case  & Symbol & S & h/l & N\textsubscript{cells} \\ \hline
     &  \ulg    &    &    &   \\ 
     &  \olg    &    &    &   \\ 
     &  \dlg    &    &    &   \\ \hline 
     &  \ug     &    &    &   \\
     &  \og     &    &    &   \\ 
     &  \dg     &    &    &   \\ \hline 
     &  \udg    &    &    &   \\
     &  \odg    &    &    &   \\ 
     &  \ddg    &    &    &   \\ \hline 

1 Answer 1


You need to change the used symbol and the used command to use the color:

\newcommand{\ulg}{\textcolor{light-gray}{$\blacktriangle$}} % <=========

Here I used command \textcolor to change the color of printed letter and command \blacktriangle to get the filled triangel.

To make the changing better seen I changed the color to

\definecolor{light-gray}{rgb}{1,0,0} % red

So with the complete code


%%define color
\definecolor{light-gray}{rgb}{1,0,0} %  0.2,0.2,0.2
\definecolor{gray}{rgb}{0.5,0.5,0.5} % <=================== missing }

\newcommand{\ulg}{\textcolor{light-gray}{$\blacktriangle$}} % <=========
\newcommand{\udg}{\textcolor{light-gray}{$\blacktriangledown$}} % <======


\caption{Details of the computational mesh.}
    Case  & Symbol & S & h/l & N\textsubscript{cells} \\ \hline
     &  \ulg    &    &    &   \\ 
     &  \olg    &    &    &   \\ 
     &  \dlg    &    &    &   \\ \hline 
     &  \ug     &    &    &   \\
     &  \og     &    &    &   \\ 
     &  \dg     &    &    &   \\ \hline 
     &  \udg    &    &    &   \\
     &  \odg    &    &    &   \\ 
     &  \ddg    &    &    &   \\ \hline 


you get the wished result:

enter image description here

Check the needed symbols in file LaTeX_symbols.pdf

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