If I run bibtex it says that it cannot find the file unsrt.bst
I couldn't open style file unsrt.bst
This is strange because unsrt.bst this is one of the basic files of bibtex. Anyway, the man page of bibtex says that it first looks in the path defined by the variable BSTINPUTS. So if I set
export BSTINPUTS=/usr/local/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/bibtex/bst/base
then bibtex does find the unsrt.bst file. But then bibtex claims that it cannot find my bib file
I couldn't open database file references.bib
which, however, is in the same directory!
So obviously bibtex has some severe problems to find the standard files and to find files in the same directory.
It seems that there is something wrong with my installation. For me it is no satisfying solution to manually set the path, since there are a lot of standard bst folders with texlive, not just .../bst/base.
I installed texlive via the quick install guide.
And I already tried
tlmgr install --reinstall bibtex
but it did not change anything.
Can someone help me out?
kpsewhich unsrt.bst
on your terminal?BSTINPUTS
manually myself, so I don't have much clue what might be going wrong. Let's see if someone else has some experience with it. You could though add some more information to your question which might be useful: e.g. your distro, if there are any other parallel installations of a TeX distribution in your system, exactly how you are setting your path, and so on.