I just started using Texlipse as my Latex environment, and in it's default presentation settings I discovered a wonderful command that lets me omit all the \pause commands in my presentation.

By using \beamerdefaultoverlayspecification{<+->}, the presentation acts as though a \pause command has been inserted between every two bullets, without the actual need to write \pause after each item.

My question is, does anyone know how to omit a pause between two consecutive bullets in such a setting? For the 99% of the presentation I prefer the bullets to open up one by one, but in one particular place I would love for the bullets to show up simultaneously.

Any help is much appreciated.

2 Answers 2


Have a look at section 9.6.4 and section 23.1 of the beamer manual: You can use a dot in the overlay specification (e.g. <.->). The dot is replaced by the current value of beamerpauses minus one, so if you use \item<.->, this item is shown simultaneously with the previous \item.

For example, if you have a list with four items and you want to show the second and the third one at the same time, use \item<.-> for the third item to override the default overlay specification:

    \item First
    \item Second
    \item<.-> Third
    \item Fourth

The easiest is to use the overlay specification [<.->] in the itemize environment. You can check the difference with the following code that I modified the one in the manual page 92 (v.3.12):

\item Apple
\item Peach
\item Plum
\item Orange
\item Grape
\item Melon
\item Apple 2
\item Peach 2
\item Plum 2
\item Orange 2
\item Grape 2
\item Melon 2

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