(I´m sorry my English mistakes) I have been using a good command for enumerate exercises. It was suggest here for someone (thanks again).
Is it possible to use this command to enumerate exercises together with the \begin{enumerate][??] command´s but that the item starts immediately after the enumeration in the same line? Because the item stars in another line.
For example, I would like this:
Thank you.
Here is my Latex commands
\documentclass[a4paper,brazil, 12pt]{report}%{\article}
\newcounter{theeq} \setcounter{theeq}{0}
\refstepcounter{theeq}\textbf{\arabic{theeq}} {\hspace{-0.1cm{{.}}}} }
\newcommand{\eqz}{{\setcounter{eq}{1}} {{\arabic{eq}}} \refstepcounter{eq}\hspace{-0.1cm{{.}}}}
\eq. \begin{enumerate}[$(a)$]
\item Prove that...
\item Next ...