I am needing to write a risk assessment report, the headings within the report are risks that have been discovered, next to each of the headings/risks I'm needing to use a key or coloured boxes to highlight the severity of the risk in question, how am I able to do this in LaTeX, a brief mock up example from word would look like the attached picture.
I'm using the hyperref package to create the menu structure in the PDF menu.
I tried the following from the comments below.
{\section{Heading} \color{red} \rule{0.2in}{0.2in}}
Whilst this gives me a box, I'd of liked to of had the border if possible, and also for it to be on the same line as the heading, with the above code the box is on the next line down with the body text for that heading.
The following code gives errors, but otherwise does what I am after albeit no border around the box..
\section{Heading \color{red} \rule{0.2in}{0.2in}}
, but how is the heading done?\rule{}{}
should work.