\node by tikz is used to get an effect of text highlight. It's all right except that the node text can not automatically linefeed. Is there a better way to achieve this? MWE:

\hspace{20em}yellow green wood \tikz[baseline] \node[fill=gray!20, anchor=base,inner sep=0pt] {yellow green wood yellow green wood }; yellow green wood 

enter image description here


1 Answer 1


I've had a look at a few related questions and might have a set-up that does what you want. Two ingredients:

  • The \measureremainder command provided by this user. This allows us to record the length of the remaining whitespace in a line before using a tikz node.
  • The varwidth environment from the varwidth package. This is a minipage of variable width that we can use inside a node.

The minimal preamble:

\usepackage{tikzpagenodes} % \measureremainder
\usetikzlibrary{calc} % \measureremainder
\usepackage{varwidth} % varwidth environment

\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture]
    % measure distance to right text border
    \path let \p0 = (0,0), \p1 = (current page text area.east) in
\newlength{\whatsleft}  % length to be used in nodes

Firstly, immediately before calling \tikz save the length of the remaining line with \measureremainder{\whatsleft}. You could then set the text width property of the node to this value:

    This is a very long line of example text before a node.
    \tikz[baseline] \node[fill=gray!20, anchor=base,inner sep=0pt, text width=\whatsleft] 
    {This is example text inside a node.}; 
    This is a long line of example text following a node.

This makes the text in the node wrap around: output1

But means that the node will always span the rest of the line, which may not be desired:

    This is a long line.
    \measureremainder{\whatsleft}\tikz[baseline] \node[fill=gray!20, anchor=base,inner sep=0pt, text width=\whatsleft] 
    {This is example text inside a node.}; This is a long line of example text.


(the difficulty is that a tikz node have no equivalent of a max width property).

We can get around this by using \whatsleft in the arguemnt of a varwidth environment:

    This is a long line.
    \measureremainder{\whatsleft}\tikz[baseline]\node[fill=gray!20, anchor=base,inner sep=0pt] 
        This is example text inside a node.
    This is a long line of example text following a node.


All said and done, I don't think tikz nodes were really designed for this purpose - have you tried using the ordinary \fbox and \parbox commands? (Info on these can be found on the LaTeX/Boxes Wikibook page.)

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