Thank Tex community & Stack Exchange. Hi friends,
With supporting of Mr @marmot, i can create "variable Array" in file myarrays.tex. Link topic: Global variable Array
Now i want call/insert some variable of myarrays.tex for tcolorbox of templateA.tex
MWE by Mr Marmot:
\pgfkeys{/pgf/declare function={mymap(\x)=int(mod(1+\x*\x,4));}}
\foreach \X in \ArrayNames
{\foreach \Y [count=\Z starting from 0]in \X
\item \textcolor{\mycolor}{\myname}}}
\input{myarrays.tex} \pgfmathsetmacro{\myname}{\ArrayNames[3]} \myname
\begin{tcolorbox}[colback=red!5!white,colframe=red!75!black,title=\color{white}\textbf{My Heading}]
This is a \textbf{tcolorbox}.
Here. In the box
Now, Please guide me. I want to change in tcolorbox by using of Array variable:
1/ Title = Arrayname (2) = \color{white}\textbf{Marmot} (old Title = My Heading)
2/ colback = \ArrayColors (5) = "green!30!white"
3/ colframe = \ArrayColors (6) = "blue!75!black"
Thank in advance.