I use the following code to generate the "Contents" section of my thesis:

\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Tables}\listoftables\newpage
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Figures}\listoffigures\newpage

The abstracts starts at iii and ends at vi. Then 4 pages of content follow. The List of Tables starts on page xi. Unfortunately, in the table of content it is listed on page vii. That is right where the 4 pages of content starts, which are not included in the content overview.

Abstract ....................iii

List of Tables.............vii

List of Figures............x

List of Abbreviations..xii

Everything is shifted by the 4 pages of content that are not included. The numbering in the main part of the thesis is totally fine. How can I make the List of Tables start at xi, List of Figures at xiii and List of Abbreviations at xxi (including the correct linking of all of them).

Based on the suggestions below ("\cleardoublepage") I adjusted my code. I furthermore included two calls of "\phantomsection" (trial and error) and now the numbering and the links to the "List of Figures" and "List of Abbreviations" are correct. The numbering of the "List of Tables" is correct as well. However, the link points to ix instead of xi. This is the last problem that needs to be solved.

  \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Tables}\listoftables\newpage
  \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Figures}\listoffigures\newpage
  • 1
    Welcome to TeX.SE! Real quick: Did you run LaTeX (at least) twice to fully update the contents of the Table of Contents (pun intended)?
    – Mico
    Commented Feb 17, 2019 at 19:24
  • I run the following commands in this exact order: latex thesis.tex, bibtex thesis.aux, latex thesis.tex, dvips thesis.dvi, ps2pdf thesis.ps
    – green
    Commented Feb 17, 2019 at 19:31
  • 1
    Running bibtex thesis.aux is an error. (Actually, it's mainly painfully pedantic.) Please switch to bibtex thesis -- no need for a filename extension. A separate question: Is there a reason for not running pdflatex?
    – Mico
    Commented Feb 17, 2019 at 19:36
  • i changed the bibtex call. Regarding the "latex" vs "pdflatex" issue: I use "latex" as I include "eps" files and I thought this does not work with "pdflatex".
    – green
    Commented Feb 17, 2019 at 19:40
  • 1
    The numbering shouldn't be off by the entire Contents page count... just one or two pages. You either didn't compile enough times, or you're not showing all the code. We can't replicate your issue with the current code.
    – Werner
    Commented Feb 17, 2019 at 19:56

1 Answer 1


To solve the problem I had to add a third call to latex (Mico), I had to add calls to \cleardoublepage (touhami) and I had to add \phantomsection calls after the \cleardoublepage calls (Werner).

\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Tables}\listoftables\newpage
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Figures}\listoffigures\newpage

Thank you very much for the combined support!

  • 3
    you considered reading an introduction to LaTeX? Right now, your code is quite strange. There are ways to add those lists automatically to the toc, without you having to do all of this stuff.
    – Johannes_B
    Commented Feb 18, 2019 at 6:26

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