In this case, why not use just a tabularx
inside the tcolorbox
\documentclass[10pt,xcolor={table, usenames, dvipsnames, svgnames}]{beamer}
\begin{tcolorbox}[enhanced, colback=linen, colframe=sandybrown,
title=Formulas, coltitle=white, fonttitle=\small\bfseries,
clip upper, fontupper=\sffamily,%
Some Text \bfseries{Some text} &
Some Text \bfseries{Some text} \\\hline
$a= b+c$ & $a= b+c$\\\hline
$a= b+c$ & $a= b+c$\\\hline
$a= b+c$ & $a= b+c$
OP images show a left aligned text on first line. In my original answer I couldn't reproduce this behaviour due to a problem when a \multicolumn
command is introduced in first cell of a tabularx tcolorbox. This problem is shown in tcolorbox, tabularx: first line with a multicolumn does not work in tcolorbox environment. Now, thank you to Thomas F. Sturm (tcolorbox
author) there's a provisional solution for this problem.
\documentclass[10pt,xcolor={table, usenames, dvipsnames, svgnames}]{beamer}
\begin{tcolorbox}[enhanced, colback=linen, colframe=sandybrown,
title=Formulas, coltitle=white, fonttitle=\small\bfseries,
clip upper, hackfortabularx,
fontupper=\sffamily, coltext=DarkRed,
\multicolumn{1}{l|}{Some Text \bfseries{Some text}} &
\multicolumn{1}{l}{Some Text \bfseries{Some text}} \\\hline
$a= b+c$ & $a= b+c$\\\hline
$a= b+c$ & $a= b+c$\\\hline
$a= b+c$ & $a= b+c$
2nd update:
The problem with multicolumn
command on left column of top most rule has been solved in tcolorbox v4.20
. There's no need for previous pacth. Seond figure can be obtained with:
\documentclass[10pt,xcolor={table, usenames, dvipsnames, svgnames}]{beamer}
\begin{tcolorbox}[enhanced, colback=linen, colframe=sandybrown,
title=Formulas, coltitle=white, fonttitle=\small\bfseries,
clip upper,
fontupper=\sffamily, coltext=DarkRed,
\multicolumn{1}{l|}{Some Text \bfseries{Some text}} &
\multicolumn{1}{l}{Some Text \bfseries{Some text}} \\\hline
$a= b+c$ & $a= b+c$\\\hline
$a= b+c$ & $a= b+c$\\\hline
$a= b+c$ & $a= b+c$