With tikz-pgf, I can draw a perpendicular from a point to a line. Is there a robust method to draw a perpendicular from a point? For example, in the following code, say I want to raise a perpendicular, from a specific point on line BC outwards.

    \coordinate (A) at (0,0);
    \coordinate (B) at (2,4);
    \coordinate (C) at (8,0);

    \draw[red] (B) -- ($(A)!(B)!(C)$);

    \node[label={below left:$A$}] at (A) {};
    \node[label={above:$B$}] at (B) {};
    \node[label={below right:$C$}] at (C) {};

enter image description here

  • You changed the position of the starting point in your question : so to draw from a point P on BC you can use (P) -- ++({2/sqrt(13)},{3/sqrt(13)}) (or to for faster compile (P) -- ++(0.5547001962252291,0.8320502943378437)), or you can use as I said calc to draw (P) -- ($(P)!1cm!90:(C)$).
    – Kpym
    Feb 23, 2019 at 10:02
  • @Kpym I edited it because in the given form the suggested approach was obvious. I am looking for a general solution.
    – blackened
    Feb 23, 2019 at 10:03
  • Hmm! I was being a fool, again. Say the point on BC is the midpoint. I can simply define that coordinate as, say, \coordinate (P) at ($(B)!0.5!(C)$). Then I can do, \draw (P)--($(P)!0.5!90:(C)$).
    – blackened
    Feb 23, 2019 at 10:18
  • @blackened or \draw[red, thick] (P) -- ($(A)!(P)!(C)$); as you already did for your line from B.
    – CarLaTeX
    Feb 23, 2019 at 10:29

5 Answers 5


I just wrote such a style in this answer. I slightly changed the syntax, so you need to say

\draw[blue,vert={of {(B)--(C)} at (3,0)}];

to draw a vertical line at (3,0) that goes all the way until it hits BC. And I added vert outwards which is just a wrapper of the distance modifiers (see section 13.5.4 The Syntax of Distance Modifiers of the pgfmanual), and can be used as

    \draw[blue,vert outwards={from {($(B)!0.3!(C)$)} by 3cm on line to {(C)}}];


\begin{tikzpicture}[vert/.style args={of #1 at #2}{insert path={%
#2 -- (intersection cs:first
  line={#1}, second line={#2--($#2+(0,10)$)}) }},
vert outwards/.style args={from #1 by #2 on line to #3}{insert path={
#1 -- ($#1!#2!90:#3$)
    \coordinate (A) at (0,0);
    \coordinate (B) at (2,4);
    \coordinate (C) at (8,0);

    \draw[red] (B) -- ($(A)!(B)!(C)$);

    \node[label={below left:$A$}] at (A) {};
    \node[label={above:$B$}] at (B) {};
    \node[label={below right:$C$}] at (C) {};
    \draw[blue,vert={of {(B)--(C)} at (3,0)}];
    \draw[blue,vert outwards={from {($(B)!0.3!(C)$)} by 3cm on line to {(C)}}];

enter image description here


if you willing to define specific point on line (B)--(C) with its relative position, than you can write your mwe as following simple solution:


    \coordinate[label=below left:$A$]   (A) at (0,0);
    \coordinate[label=above:$B$]        (B) at (2,4);
    \coordinate[label=below right:$C$]  (C) at (8,0);

    \draw(A)--(B)-- coordinate[pos=0.3] (aux) % <--- coordinate of the point
    \draw[red] (aux) -- (aux |- A);

enter image description here


Sorry, not tikz. I understand @hpekris's idea.

\foreach \i in {.3,.5,.7}{

enter image description here

  • 1
    Good, please could you decrease the velocity of the animation :-)?
    – Sebastiano
    Feb 23, 2019 at 10:34

Answer to the first version of the question

With intersections you can give a name to your triangle path, then build a "fake path" from (4,0) to a point after the intersection with the triangle (you don't need to calculate it exactly, see name path=riga and draw it to understand what I'm saying) and name it, then you can draw a line between the intersections with your triangle and your "fake path".

Answer to the second version of the question

If you want to start from a point on BC, you can use \coordinate (P) at ($(B)!.5!(C)$); with any value you want instead of .5 and do like you did for the line from B (see the thick red line in my MWE).

\usetikzlibrary{calc, intersections}
    \coordinate[label={below left:$A$}] (A) at (0,0);
    \coordinate[label={above:$B$}] (B) at (2,4);
    \coordinate[label={below right:$C$}] (C) at (8,0);

    \draw[name path=trian](A)  --(B)--(C)--cycle;
    \draw[red] (B) -- ($(A)!(B)!(C)$);
    \path [name path=riga] (4,0) -- ++(0,3);
    \path [name intersections={of=trian and riga}];
    \draw (intersection-1) -- (intersection-2);
    \coordinate (P) at ($(B)!.5!(C)$);
    \draw[red, thick] (P) -- ($(A)!(P)!(C)$);

enter image description here

  • I understood the question as OP want a line starting from som point on BC and going perpendicular to BC outward some distance. (ok now I see that the question has been edited). Feb 23, 2019 at 10:02

Another PSTricks solution just for comparison purposes.

I provide some possible tricks but you can remove the parts that you don't want.

\foreach \i in {1,2,3}{%

enter image description here

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