I have a table which contains numbers and their percentages. Because the numbers and percentages length is different, they become unaligned. The following figure illustrates:
As shown in the table, I want the numbers to be aligned. Note that this table is much smaller just to show the problem than the actual table.
The script is:
\usepackage{array, makecell}
\begin{adjustbox}{max width=\textwidth}
& \multicolumn{3}{c}{\thead{Row}} \\
& \texttt{Col \#1} & \texttt{Col \#2} & \texttt{Col \#3} \\
Feature \#1
& \num{55555} & \num{222222} & \num{1111111} \\
\quad Feature \#2
& \num{44444} (22.11\%) & \num{222222} (11.11\%) & \num{1111111} (44.44\%) \\
\quad \quad Feature \#3
& \num{44444} (55.55\%) & \num{222222} (33.33\%) & \num{1111111} (22.22\%)\\
\quad \quad \quad Feature \#4
& \num{33333} (55.55\%) & \num{66666} (22.22\%) & \num{1111111} (100\%) \\
column type, notr