I'am using memoir. With these basic settings:


\renewcommand*{\printchapternum}{\chapnumfont \Large \thechapter }
\chaptitlefont ##1}}

    \renewcommand{\printchapternum}{}%\chapnumfont \thechapter\space}
    \@hangfrom{\chapnumfont \thechapter\quad}}%

\renewcommand\thechapter{Capitolo \arabic{chapter}}

I get this:

enter image description here

enter image description here

I would like to print in the heading only "Capitolo 2". How can I do it? Sorry, but I'am not an expert in latex...

1 Answer 1


You did not provide a compilable example which must start from \documentclass... through to \end{document}. What you did provide when I added the necessary code did not produce what you showed in your graphic.

I have done my best and I think that this is what might suit you.


\renewcommand{\chaptername}{Capitolo}  % change chapter name
\renewcommand{\chapterrefname}{Capitolo} % change chapter reference name  
\renewcommand*{\chapnamefont}{\Large\bfseries} % to match the chapter number

\renewcommand*{\printchapternum}{\chapnumfont \Large \thechapter }
\chaptitlefont ##1}}


%\renewcommand\thechapter{Capitolo \arabic{chapter}}


\section{First section}

You defined a mystyle chapterstyle but did not use it. Why?

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