In How to properly use new options into \pgfdeclareshape of makeshape package I had a problem with including \ifx in \pgfdeclareshape which was solved by @marmot.

At this moment, I'm trying to include options using \pgfkeys. However, now I can't detected options into \anchor, while working into \setpath.

Here the code:


% Dimensiones medidas en Autocad para las válvulas con anchura = 3mm en un
% círculo de 2mm de radio.


\newdimen\radio@llave \radio@llave=2mm
\newdimen\x@llave \x@llave=1.5mm
\newdimen\y@llave \y@llave=1.32mm
\def\f@maniv{0.9} % Proporción de la longitud de la manivela

\pgfkeys{ % Colores de las mariposas de las válvulas:
  color izquierda/.initial=\pgfutil@empty,
  color derecha/.initial=\pgfutil@empty,

    /tikz/posicion manivela/.is choice,
    /tikz/posicion manivela/izquierda/.code={\def\pos@manivela{-1}},
    /tikz/posicion manivela/derecha/.code={\def\pos@manivela{1}}

%% Anchor path:

\def\generalanchor{} % No es necesario, el nodo no llevará texto.

%% Background path:

\def\valvulaborder{ % Obtiene la caja de texto correcta:

    % La parte anterior no es necesaria, no llevará texto el nodo
    % Triángulo izquierdo:
    \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{-\x@llave}{ \y@llave}}
    \edef\pgfutil@tmpa{\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/color izquierda}}
      \pgfsetfillcolor{\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/color izquierda}}
    % Triángulo derecho:
    %\typeout{derecha\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/color derecha}}
    \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{ \x@llave}{ \y@llave}}
    \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{ \x@llave}{-\y@llave}}
    \edef\pgfutil@tmpa{\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/color derecha}}
      \pgfsetfillcolor{\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/color derecha}}


%% Declaración de la forma:

\pgfdeclareshape{valvula de esfera}{

    % La manivela de la válvula:
      \ifnum\pos@manivela=-1 % a izquierda
    \else % a derecha
        \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{ \f@maniv\x@llave}{\radio@llave}}

      \pgf@x = \ctbnex
      \pgf@y = \ctbney
      \advance\pgf@x by \gap
      \advance\pgf@y by \gap



  % De la manivela de la válvula
  \anchor{tc}{\centerpoint \pgf@x=0\pgf@x \pgf@y=\radio@llave}
  \anchor{tm}{\ifnum\pos@manivela=-1 % a izquierda
    \centerpoint \pgf@x=-\f@maniv\x@llave \pgf@y=\radio@llave
    \centerpoint \pgf@x= \f@maniv\x@llave \pgf@y=\radio@llave






  st texto/.style={
    circle,black,fill=white,inner sep=0.1em
  st valvula/.style={
    draw=blue,minimum width=6mm,minimum height=3mm,line width=0.2mm
  st linea nodo/.style={line width=0.1mm,latex-,orange}



  x=1mm,y=1mm,remember picture, overlay,shift={(current page.center)}


    valvula de esfera,st valvula,posicion manivela=izquierda,
    color izquierda=yellow!50,color derecha=cyan!25
  ] (v3) at (0,0) {};

  \draw[st linea nodo] (v3.tc) -- ++(90:10) node[st texto] {tc};
  \draw[st linea nodo] (v3.tm) -- ++(110:10) node[st texto] {tm};


\begin{scope}[shift={(50,0)},posicion manivela=derecha]

    valvula de esfera,st valvula,
    color izquierda=yellow!50,color derecha=cyan!25
  ] (v4) at (0,0) {};

  \draw[st linea nodo] (v4.tc) -- ++(90:10) node[st texto] {tc};
  \draw[st linea nodo] (v4.tm) -- ++(70:10) node[st texto] (ntm) {tm};

  \node[above of= ntm,red,align=center] (comentm) {Here tm should\\ be at right};
  \path (comentm) edge[red,out=0,in=90,-latex] (v4.tr);




I get the following error:

! Undefined control sequence.
\pgf@anchor@valvula de esfera@tm ...\pos@manivela

I am extremely confused. Please, can someone help me? I'm going to give up all of these.

  • Thank's for edition corrections. I don't know how exactly this web works.
    – aguivald
    Commented Mar 3, 2019 at 13:03

2 Answers 2


Here is another proposal in which the keys are not made global. I left some \typeouts in in order to indicate a possible way of debugging such codes.


% Dimensiones medidas en Autocad para las válvulas con anchura = 3mm en un
% círculo de 2mm de radio.


\newdimen\radio@llave \radio@llave=2mm
\newdimen\x@llave \x@llave=1.5mm
\newdimen\y@llave \y@llave=1.32mm
\def\f@maniv{0.9} % Proporción de la longitud de la manivela

\pgfkeys{ % Colores de las mariposas de las válvulas:
  color izquierda/.initial=\pgfutil@empty,
  color derecha/.initial=\pgfutil@empty,

    /tikz/posicion manivela/.is choice,
    /tikz/posicion manivela/izquierda/.code={\tikzset{posicion manivela value=-1}},
    /tikz/posicion manivela/derecha/.code={\tikzset{posicion manivela value=1}},
    /tikz/posicion manivela value/.initial=-1
    %/tikz/posicion manivela/.default=izquierda

%% Anchor path:

\def\generalanchor{} % No es necesario, el nodo no llevará texto.

%% Background path:

\def\valvulaborder{ % Obtiene la caja de texto correcta:

    % La parte anterior no es necesaria, no llevará texto el nodo
    % Triángulo izquierdo:
    \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{-\x@llave}{ \y@llave}}
    \edef\pgfutil@tmpa{\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/color izquierda}}
      \pgfsetfillcolor{\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/color izquierda}}
    % Triángulo derecho:
    %\typeout{derecha\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/color derecha}}
    \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{ \x@llave}{ \y@llave}}
    \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{ \x@llave}{-\y@llave}}
    \edef\pgfutil@tmpa{\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/color derecha}}
      \pgfsetfillcolor{\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/color derecha}}


%% Declaración de la forma:

\pgfdeclareshape{valvula de esfera}{

    % La manivela de la válvula:
      \typeout{\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/posicion manivela value}}
      \ifnum\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/posicion manivela value}=-1 % a izquierda
        \typeout{\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/posicion manivela value} worked}
    \else % a derecha
        \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{ \f@maniv\x@llave}{\radio@llave}}

      \pgf@x = \ctbnex
      \pgf@y = \ctbney
      \advance\pgf@x by \gap
      \advance\pgf@y by \gap



  % De la manivela de la válvula
  \anchor{tc}{\centerpoint \pgf@x=0\pgf@x \pgf@y=\radio@llave}
  \anchor{tm}{\typeout{\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/posicion manivela value}}
    \ifnum\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/posicion manivela value}=-1 % a izquierda
    \typeout{\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/posicion manivela value} worked}
    \centerpoint \pgf@x=-\f@maniv\x@llave \pgf@y=\radio@llave
    \centerpoint \pgf@x= \f@maniv\x@llave \pgf@y=\radio@llave






  st texto/.style={
    circle,black,fill=white,inner sep=0.1em
  st valvula/.style={
    draw=blue,minimum width=6mm,minimum height=3mm,line width=0.2mm
  st linea nodo/.style={line width=0.1mm,latex-,orange}



  x=1mm,y=1mm,remember picture, overlay,shift={(current page.center)}


    valvula de esfera,st valvula,posicion manivela=izquierda,
    color izquierda=yellow!50,color derecha=cyan!25
  ] (v3) at (0,0) {};

  \draw[st linea nodo] (v3.tc) -- ++(90:10) node[st texto] {tc};
  \draw[st linea nodo] (v3.tm) -- ++(110:10) node[st texto] {tm};


\begin{scope}[shift={(50,0)},posicion manivela=derecha]

    valvula de esfera,st valvula,
    color izquierda=yellow!50,color derecha=cyan!25
  ] (v4) at (0,0) {};

  \draw[st linea nodo] (v4.tc) -- ++(90:10) node[st texto] {tc};
  \draw[st linea nodo] (v4.tm) -- ++(70:10) node[st texto] (ntm) {tm};

  \node[above of= ntm,red,align=center] (comentm) {Here tm should\\ be at right};
  %\path (comentm) edge[red,out=0,in=90,-latex] (v4.tr);




The last line \path (comentm) edge[red,out=0,in=90,-latex] (v4.tr); seems to require an anchor tr which is not defined as far as I can see.

enter image description here

  • 1
    Perfect. Obviously your solution is much better. With respect to tr anchor, it's negligilble.
    – aguivald
    Commented Mar 3, 2019 at 19:27

I've found the solution. It was very easy. I was a bit dazed but at the end I could think clearly.

I've substituted

    /tikz/posicion manivela/.is choice,
    /tikz/posicion manivela/izquierda/.code={\def\pos@manivela{-1}},
    /tikz/posicion manivela/derecha/.code={\def\pos@manivela{1}}


    /tikz/posicion manivela/.is choice,
    /tikz/posicion manivela/izquierda/.code={\xdef\pos@manivela{-1}},
    /tikz/posicion manivela/derecha/.code={\xdef\pos@manivela{1}}

and now it's working.

  • I had that, too, but I am not sure that this is the best solution because the choice made in one node will affect all subsequent ones as the key is global.
    – user121799
    Commented Mar 3, 2019 at 16:15

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