Share your most complex TikZ drawing and learning out of it.
18Not sure how suitable this question is for this site. It is quite broad and does not have a definitive answer (cf. has a collection of complex (and maybe also not so complex) TikZ drawings.– moeweCommented Mar 13, 2019 at 9:32
5It is true that this site is very lenient with (some) big-list questions, but I feel that the current formulation "your most complicated" is just too subjective.– moeweCommented Mar 13, 2019 at 9:53
2None of my TikZ drawings are complex since I was able to make them. Some TikZ drawings seem very complex to realize for me, but as they were made by others, I can not share them.– Paul GaboritCommented Mar 13, 2019 at 23:28
2This question is off-topic because every answer is equally valid: “What’s your favorite ______?”– EJoshuaS - Stand with UkraineCommented Mar 14, 2019 at 22:52
3@siracusa No, definitely not. See also: Real Questions have Answers. This falls under the category of "chatty, open-ended questions" and "mindless social fun," not a "practical, answerable question based on actual problems that you face."– EJoshuaS - Stand with UkraineCommented Mar 15, 2019 at 3:09
11 Answers
Inspired by Raaja's answer. This is the standard rotating snakes.
\foreach\x/\y in{
-1/ 1, 0/ 1, 1/ 1,
-1/ 0, 0/ 0, 1/ 0,
-1/-1, 0/-1, 1/-1,
-.5/ .5, .5/ .5,
-.5/-.5, .5/-.5
\foreach\j in{1,...,15}{
\draw[line width=6mm,
dash pattern={on13.408ptoff13.408pt},
dash phase=\j*13.408pt]
\draw[line width=6mm,white,
dash pattern={on13.408ptoff13.408pt},
dash phase=(\j+1)*13.408pt]
\foreach\i in{1,...,20}{
(3,0)ellipse[x radius=3mm,y radius=1.5mm];
(3,0)ellipse[x radius=3mm,y radius=1.5mm];
1@BPP Try to reduce
\foreach\j in{1,...,15}
. This loop is filling the center of the circle, which is not really necessary.– Symbol 1Commented Apr 2, 2019 at 16:17
This is not the most complicated drawing I have ever coded1 but certainly the proudest picture I have ever had. That is the TikZified2 version of the most well-known picture ever – the Mona Lisa!
The code (2.43 MB) is too long to be pasted here. You can see it here.
1 | In fact, you can see well that this picture is not made by me. It is generated via Inkscape. However, this is certainly the most complicated picture ever compiled in my computer and not made by anyone else (i.e. I got it without any human help with the help (or the idea) of Leonardo da Vinci only).
2 | I stole this word from @marmot. I hope he will give me the permission to use the word once he reads my answer.
2“not made by anyone else (i.e. I got it without any human help)” — a certain Leonardo might claim a little share of the credit… (+1, lovely example) Commented Mar 14, 2019 at 20:27
I have to repost this one (details here):
Most PDF viewers can't render it and the code is a mess, but it's certainly complicated (856 lines of complicated).
About a thousand lines of code, grabbing data from a bunch of external files and plotting stuff. The code is a mess but adaptable enough to display different data sets. Also came across some really strange bugs while working on it (such as: loading in large tables of data into TikZ may overlook a particular column until the document is compiled a second time or the column afterwards is also loaded.)
This was complicated when I did it. Now it's more large than difficult or complicated. The original illustration is from "The Illustrated Network: How TCP/IP Works in a Modern Network" by Walter Goralski.
\def\display{++(3mm,5mm) --++(0,5mm)--++(-6mm,0mm)--++(0mm,-5mm)--cycle}
host/.style={draw, text width=3.5cm, fill=orange!10,font=\sffamily\small, align=left},
falshost/.style={rectangle, minimum width=2cm, minimum height=8mm},
router/.style={draw, text width=3cm, minimum height=1cm, fill=blue!20, align=center},
etiqueta/.style={font=\sffamily\small, align=center}]
\matrix[ampersand replacement=\&,column sep=2mm,row sep=2mm] {
\node[host] (bsdclient) {
em0:\\MAC: 00:0e:0c:3b:8f:94\\(Intel\_3b:8f:94)\\IPv6: fe80::20e:cff:fe3b:8f94}; \&
\node[host] (lnxserver) {
eth0:\\MAC: 00:db:b7:1f:fe:e6\\(Intel\_1f:fe:e6)\\IPv6: fe80::2d0:b7ff:fe1f:fee6}; \&
\node[host] (wincli1) {
LAN2:\\MAC: 00:0e:0c:3b:88:3c\\(Intel\_3b:88:3c)\\IPv6: fe80::20e:cff:fe3b:883c}; \&
\node[host] (winsvr1) {
LAN2:\\MAC: 00:0e:0c:3b:87:36\\(Intel\_3b:87:36)\\IPv6: fe80::20e:cff:fe3b:8736};\\[4mm]
\node[falshost] (sbsdclient) {}; \&
\node[falshost] (slnxserver) {}; \&
\node[falshost] (swincli1) {}; \&
\node[falshost] (swinsvr1) {}; \\
\node[fill=gray!30, inner sep=0pt, rectangle, rounded corners=4mm,fit=(sbsdclient) (swinsvr1)] (lan1) {Ethernet LAN Switch with Twisted Pair-Wiring};
\node[below,anchor=north east] at (lan1.south east) {\textbf{LAN1}};
\draw (bsdclient) -- (sbsdclient);
\draw (lnxserver) -- (slnxserver);
\draw (wincli1) -- (swincli1);
\draw (winsvr1) -- (swinsvr1);
\foreach \a in {bsdclient, lnxserver, wincli1, winsvr1}
\fill[gray!30] ([yshift=1mm]\a.north) \monitor;
\fill[white] ([yshift=1mm]\a.north) \display;
\path (\a.north) ++(0mm,12mm) node[above] {\textbf{\a}};
\node[router,anchor=north] (CE0) [below = of lan1] {CE0\\\textbf{lo0:}};
\draw (lan1)--(CE0);
\path (CE0.east)++(2mm,0mm) node[anchor=west,align=left,font=\sffamily\small] (tCE0) {fe-1/3/0:\\
MAC= 00:05:85:88:cc:db\\(Juniper\_88:cc:db)\\IPv6: fe80:205:85ff:fe88:ccdb};
\node[text width=2cm,align=center] () at (bsdclient|-CE0) {Los Angeles\\Office};
\matrix[ampersand replacement=\&,column sep=2mm,row sep=2mm] {
\node[host] (bsdserver) {
eth0:\\MAC: 00:0e:0c:3b:87:32\\(Intel\_3b:87:32)\\IPv6: fe80::20e:cff:fe3b:8732}; \&
\node[host] (lnxclient) {
eth0:\\MAC: 00:b0:d0:45:34:64\\(Dell\_45:34:64)\\IPv6: fe80::2b0:d0ff:fe45:3464}; \&
\node[host] (winsvr2) {
LAN2:\\MAC: 00:0e:0c:3b:88:56\\(Intel\_3b:88:56)\\IPv6: fe80::20e:cff:fe3b:8856}; \&
\node[host] (wincli2) {
LAN2:\\MAC: 00:02:b3:27:fa:8c\\\mbox{\null} \\IPv6: fe80::202:b3ff:fe27:fa8c};\\[4mm]
\node[falshost] (sbsdserver) {}; \&
\node[falshost] (slnxclient) {}; \&
\node[falshost] (swinsvr2) {}; \&
\node[falshost] (swincli2) {}; \\
\node[fill=gray!30, inner sep=0pt, rectangle, rounded corners=4mm,fit=(sbsdserver) (swincli2)] (lan2) {Ethernet LAN Switch with Twisted Pair-Wiring};
\node[below,anchor=north east] at (lan2.south east) {\textbf{LAN2}};
\draw (bsdserver) -- (sbsdserver);
\draw (lnxclient) -- (slnxclient);
\draw (winsvr2) -- (swinsvr2);
\draw (wincli2) -- (swincli2);
\foreach \a in {bsdserver, lnxclient, winsvr2, wincli2}
\fill[gray!30] ([yshift=1mm]\a.north) \monitor;
\fill[white] ([yshift=1mm]\a.north) \display;
\path (\a.north) ++(0mm,12mm) node[above] {\textbf{\a}};
\node[router,anchor=north] (CE6) [below = of lan2] {CE6\\\textbf{lo0:}};
\draw (lan2)--(CE6);
\path (CE6.east)++(2mm,0mm) node[anchor=west,align=left,font=\sffamily\small] (tCE6) {fe-1/3/0:\\
MAC= 00:05:85:8b:bc:db\\(Juniper\_8b:bc:db)\\IPv6: fe80:205:85ff:fe8b:bcdb};
\node[text width=2cm,align=center] () at (bsdserver|-CE6) {New York\\Office};
\matrix [ampersand replacement=\&,column sep=2.5cm,row sep=1.5cm] {
\& \node[router] (P9) {P9\\\textbf{lo0:}}; \& \& \node[router] (P7) {P7\\\textbf{lo0:}}; \& \\
\node[router] (PE5) {PE5\\\textbf{lo0:}}; \& \& \& \& \node[router] (PE1) {PE1\\\textbf{lo0:}}; \\
\& \node[router] (P4) {P4\\\textbf{lo0:}}; \& \& \node[router] (P2) {P2\\\textbf{lo0:}}; \& \\
\draw (P9.east) -- (P7.west)
node[etiqueta,very near start] {so-0/0/1\\79.2}
node[etiqueta,very near end] {so-0/0/1\\79.1};
\draw (P9.south) -- (P4.north)
node[etiqueta,very near start,align=right,left] {so-0/0/3\\49.2}
node[etiqueta,very near end,align=right,left] {so-0/0/3\\49.1};
\draw (P4.east) -- (P2.west)
node[etiqueta,very near start] {so-0/0/1\\24.2}
node[etiqueta,very near end] {so-0/0/1\\24.1};
\draw (P7.south) -- (P2.north)
node[etiqueta,very near start,align=left,right] {so-0/0/3\\27.2}
node[etiqueta,very near end,align=left,right] {so-0/0/3\\27.1};
\draw (P9.south east) -- (P2.north west)
node[etiqueta,very near start,sloped] {so-0/0/2\\29.2}
node[etiqueta,very near end,sloped] {so-0/0/2\\29.1};
\draw (P4.north east) -- (P7.south west)
node[etiqueta,very near start,sloped] {so-0/0/0\\47.1}
node[etiqueta,very near end,sloped] {so-0/0/0\\47.2};
\draw (PE5.east) -- (P9.west)
node[etiqueta,near start,sloped] {so-0/0/0\\59.1}
node[etiqueta,near end,sloped] {so-0/0/0\\59.2};
\draw (PE5.east) -- (P4.west)
node[etiqueta,near start,sloped] {so-0/0/2\\45.2}
node[etiqueta,near end,sloped] {so-0/0/2\\45.1};
\draw (P7.east) -- (PE1.west)
node[etiqueta,near start,sloped] {so-0/0/2\\17.2}
node[etiqueta,near end,sloped] {so-0/0/2\\17.1};
\draw (P2.east) -- (PE1.west)
node[etiqueta,near start,sloped] {so-0/0/0\\12.2}
node[etiqueta,near end,sloped] {so-0/0/0\\12.1};
\draw[dashed,very thick,gray] (PE5.north) -- (CE0.south)
node[etiqueta,pos=.15,sloped,black] {ge-0/0/3\\50.1}
node[etiqueta,pos=.85,sloped,black] (ge502) {ge-0/0/3\\50.2};
\draw[dashed,very thick,gray] (CE6.south) -- (PE1.north)
node[etiqueta,pos=.15,sloped,black] (ge162) {ge-0/0/3\\16.2}
node[etiqueta,pos=.85,sloped,black] {ge-0/0/3\\16.1};
\fill[green!50] (bsdclient|-P9) \casa;
\node[xshift=1cm,align=center,anchor=south west] at (bsdclient|-P9) {\textbf{Wireless}\\\textbf{in home}};
\draw[dotted] (bsdclient|-P9) -- (PE5.north) node[above,sloped,pos=0.5] {DSL Link};
\draw[dashed] (bsdclient.west|-ge502.west)--(winsvr1.east|-ge502.west);
\draw[dashed] (bsdserver.west|-ge162.east)--(wincli2.east|-ge162.east);
\node[cloud,draw,aspect=2,cloud puffs=15,text width=3cm, align=center,anchor=north,fill=violet!20] (internet) at (PE1|-P2.south) {\textbf{Global Public}\\\textbf{Internet}};
\draw (P4) |- ([yshift=-3mm]internet) node [pos=0.6,above] {AS 65459};
\draw (P2) |- ([yshift=3mm]internet) node [pos=0.7,above] {AS 65127};
\node[text width=5cm, align=left, font=\sffamily\small,anchor=south west] at (bsdclient.west|-internet.south) {Solid rules = SONET/SDH\\Dashed rules = Gigabit Ethernet\\\emph{Note}:All links use 10.0.x.y\\addressing. Only the last\\two octets are shown.};
Some other Tikz figures are already here:
1I would like to bring to your notice that the above url "Soccer/Football teams" points to a post containing Karnaugh maps. Commented Mar 13, 2019 at 10:31
I was once a note-taker for disabled students, and for the final lecture I ended the last set of notes with a TikZ version of the Looney Tunes ending screen. First time using \foreach
, and the decorations
\usetikzlibrary{decorations.text, shadows}
\newfontfamily\looney[]{That's Font Folks!}
% Manual centering
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1.3, every shadow/.style={opacity=1,fill=blue!10!black}]
\foreach \l in {13.8,12.8,...,2.8} {
\path[circular glow={shadow scale=1.03}, shading=radial, inner color=yellow!80!white, outer color=red!50!black] (0, 0) circle (\l cm);
\path[circular glow={shadow scale=1.03}, shading=radial, inner color=blue!25!black, outer color=darkblueOuter] (0, 0) circle (2.8cm);
\node (b) at (-6, -2) {};
\node (e) at (7, -0.5) {};
\draw[decoration={text along path, text color=white, text={That's all Folks!}}, decorate] (b) to[bend left=15] (e);
4For the sake of “meta” of this community wiki, I hope this answer stays at the end. ;-) Commented Mar 16, 2019 at 4:44
I learned how to use loops in TikZ
for the first-time ever.
\begin{tikzpicture}[mystyle/.style={circle,draw,fill=none,minimum size=20, line width = 8pt}]
\foreach \x in {1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19}
\node [mystyle, minimum size = \x cm, color =red!70] (2) at (0, 0) {};
\foreach \x in {2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18, 20}
\node [mystyle, minimum size = \x cm, color =yellow!50] (2) at (0, 0) {};
to get:
8This image is kind of hypnotising :) Commented Mar 13, 2019 at 10:34
@samcarter I know right? Therefore, I am proud of this image as my first looped creation :D Commented Mar 13, 2019 at 10:54
2@Sigur I would answer your comment, but I cannot stop staring at those wheels :) Commented Mar 14, 2019 at 8:58
1@samcarter specially when we try to focus on a circle center...– SigurCommented Mar 14, 2019 at 11:04
Reposting something I originally created for the TeX-mas 2018 event, and adapted for the Groundhog Day 2019 event. It shows a Ulysses butterfly flapping its wings intermittently, with a corresponding shadow that moves in the same way.
Easily the most complex image I've ever made with tikz. It took a lot of effort to recreate all its markings and get the shape of the wings right. In the process I increased my understanding and familiarity with tikz tenfold. I was really proud of the result, and how much I improved.
% All design and code created by Ulysses. Please credit me if you use a significant portion of this anywhere.
% Lower Wing
\filldraw[fill=black!90!white!,draw=black,thick,rounded corners=1mm] (0,0.2) -- (0,1.4) -- (-2,1.4) .. controls (-4,0.8) .. (-4.3,0.2) .. controls (-4.48,0.08) .. (-4.5,-0.15) .. controls (-4.9,-0.5) and (-4.9,-0.7) .. (-4.7,-0.9) .. controls (-4.7,-1) .. (-4.6,-1.1) .. controls (-4.9,-1.8) .. (-4.2,-2) -- (-4,-2.4) .. controls (-4.1,-3) .. (-3.6,-3.1) -- (-3.25,-3.7) .. controls (-3.5,-4.5) .. (-4.1,-5.4) .. controls (-4.2,-5.9) and (-3.6,-5.9) .. (-3.5,-5.4) .. controls (-3.55,-5.1) and (-3.4,-4.8) .. (-3,-4.1) -- (-2.6,-4.1) .. controls (-2.35,-4.35) .. (-2,-4.2) .. controls (-1.75,-4.6) and (-1.25,-4.6) .. (-1.25,-3.90) .. controls (-0.9,-4) .. (-0.6,-2.8) -- (-0.3,-1) -- (0,0.2);
\shadedraw[top color=blue!45!cyan!,bottom color=blue!20!cyan!,draw=black,rounded corners=1mm] (-0.8,-3) .. controls (-0.5,-2) .. (-0.30,-0.95){[rounded corners=0mm] .. controls (-0.15,-0.3) .. (-0.05,0.45) -- (-0.05,0.7)} -- (-0.7,0.4) .. controls (-0.9,-2) .. (-0.8,-3);
\shadedraw[top color=blue!60!cyan!,bottom color=blue!20!cyan!,draw=black] (-1.1,-2.9) .. controls (-1.4,2) and (0.5,2) .. (-1.1,-2.9);
\shadedraw[top color=blue!70!cyan!,bottom color=blue!20!cyan!,draw=black] (-1.6,-2.8) .. controls (-0.9,3.7) and (0,-0.1) .. (-1.6,-2.8);
\shadedraw[top color=blue!70!cyan!,bottom color=blue!20!cyan!,draw=black] (-2.1,-2.6) .. controls (-0.9,3.7) and (-0.3,-0.1) .. (-2.1,-2.6);
\shadedraw[top color=blue!80!cyan!,bottom color=blue!20!cyan!,draw=black] (-2.6,-2.2) .. controls (-0.3,3.7) and (-0.3,-0.1) .. (-2.6,-2.2);
\shadedraw[top color=blue!80!cyan!,bottom color=blue!20!cyan!,draw=black] (-3,-1.7) .. controls (0.1,3.7) and (0.1,-0.1) .. (-3,-1.7);
\shadedraw[top color=blue!80!cyan!,bottom color=blue!20!cyan!,draw=black] (-3.4,-1.2) .. controls (0.77,3) and (0.77,-0.2) .. (-3.4,-1.2);
\shadedraw[top color=blue!80!cyan!,bottom color=blue!20!cyan!,draw=black] (-3.6,-0.6) .. controls (0.77,2.2) and (0.77,-0.5) .. (-3.6,-0.6);
\shadedraw[top color=blue!80!cyan!,bottom color=blue!15!cyan!,draw=black] (-3.5,0) .. controls (0.77,1.8) and (0.77,-0.2) .. (-3.5,0);
\shadedraw[top color=blue!80!cyan!,bottom color=blue!10!cyan!,draw=black] (-2.5,0.7) .. controls (0.77,2) and (0.77,0) .. (-2.5,0.7);
\shadedraw[top color=blue!45!cyan!,bottom color=blue!15!cyan!,draw=black] (-0.05,0.6) -- (-0.05,0.9) .. controls (-4,-0.5) and (-1.5,-2) .. (-0.05,0.6);
% Upper Wing
\filldraw[fill=black!90!white!,draw=black,thick] (0,1) -- (0,2.2) [rounded corners=7mm] parabola[bend at end] (-6,6) -- (-5,1) -- (0,1);
\shadedraw[top color=blue!20!cyan!,bottom color=blue!70!cyan!,draw=black] (-4,3.5) .. controls (3,-1) and (-2,4) .. (-4,3.5);
\shadedraw[top color=blue!15!cyan!,bottom color=blue,draw=black] (-4.1,3) .. controls (3.9,-0.5) and (-2.1,4) .. (-4.1,3);
\shadedraw[top color=blue!15!cyan!,bottom color=blue!80!cyan!,draw=black] (-4.2,2.5) .. controls (4,-0.2) and (-2.2,3.5) .. (-4.2,2.5);
\shadedraw[top color=blue!15!cyan!,bottom color=blue!70!cyan!,draw=black] (-4.2,1.8) .. controls (4,0.3) and (-2.2,3) .. (-4.2,1.8);
\shadedraw[top color=cyan,bottom color=blue!60!cyan!,draw=black] (-4.2,1.2) .. controls (4.05,0.9) and (-2.2,2.4) .. (-4.2,1.2);
\shadedraw[top color=cyan,bottom color=blue!60!cyan!,draw=black] (-0.05,1.85) -- (-0.05,1.80) .. controls (-6.5,6.5) and (-2,5.5) .. (-0.05,1.85);
\shadedraw[top color=blue!10!cyan!,bottom color=blue!50!cyan!,draw=black] (-0.05,1.8) -- (-0.05,1.4) .. controls (-7.5,5.5) and (-2,5) .. (-0.05,1.8);
% Guide lines
%\draw[step=1cm,lightgray,very thin] (-20,-14) grid (20,14);
%\draw[step=0.2cm,lightgray,very thin] (-7,-7) grid (0,2);
%\draw[step=1cm,cyan,very thin] (-7,-7) grid (0,2);
% Background
\filldraw[fill=cyan!20!white!,draw=black, line width=3pt] (0,0) circle (10cm);
% Text
\draw (0,-7) node {\Huge Papilio Ulysses};
\draw[decoration={text along path,text={Design and code created by Ulysses.},text align={center}},decorate,rotate=90] (0,0) circle (9.8cm);
% Shadow
\begin{scope}[transparency group,xshift=0.4cm,yshift=-0.4cm,opacity=0.2]
% Antenna
\draw[thick,black] (0,2.7) parabola[bend at end] (-1.5,5.2);
\filldraw[fill=black,draw=black,thick] (-1.5,5.2) .. controls ++(-0.2,0.1) and ++(-0.5,-0.3) .. ++(0,0);
\draw[thick,black] (0,2.7) parabola[bend at end] (-1.5,5.2);
\filldraw[fill=black,draw=black,thick] (-1.5,5.2) .. controls ++(-0.2,0.1) and ++(-0.5,-0.3) .. ++(0,0);
% Body
\filldraw[fill=black,draw=black,thick,rounded corners=2.5mm] (0,2.5) -- (0.35,2.5) -- (0.45,1.5) -- (0.45,0) -- (0.25,-2) -- (-0.25,-2) -- (-0.45,0) -- (-0.45,1.5) -- (-0.35,2.5) -- (0,2.5);
% Head
\filldraw[fill=black,draw=black,thick,rounded corners=2mm] (0,3) -- (0.45,3) -- (0.2,2.3) -- (-0.2,2.3) -- (-0.45,3) -- (0,3);
\filldraw[fill=black, draw=black,thick] (-0.25,2.85) circle (0.2cm);
\filldraw[fill=black, draw=black,thick] (0.25,2.85) circle (0.2cm);
% Wings
% Lower Wing
\filldraw[fill=black,draw=black,thick,rounded corners=1mm] (0,0.2) -- (0,1.4) -- (-2,1.4) .. controls (-4,0.8) .. (-4.3,0.2) .. controls (-4.48,0.08) .. (-4.5,-0.15) .. controls (-4.9,-0.5) and (-4.9,-0.7) .. (-4.7,-0.9) .. controls (-4.7,-1) .. (-4.6,-1.1) .. controls (-4.9,-1.8) .. (-4.2,-2) -- (-4,-2.4) .. controls (-4.1,-3) .. (-3.6,-3.1) -- (-3.25,-3.7) .. controls (-3.5,-4.5) .. (-4.1,-5.4) .. controls (-4.2,-5.9) and (-3.6,-5.9) .. (-3.5,-5.4) .. controls (-3.55,-5.1) and (-3.4,-4.8) .. (-3,-4.1) -- (-2.6,-4.1) .. controls (-2.35,-4.35) .. (-2,-4.2) .. controls (-1.75,-4.6) and (-1.25,-4.6) .. (-1.25,-3.90) .. controls (-0.9,-4) .. (-0.6,-2.8) -- (-0.3,-1) -- (0,0.2);
% Upper Wing
\filldraw[fill=black,draw=black,thick] (0,1) -- (0,2.2) [rounded corners=7mm] parabola[bend at end] (-6,6) -- (-5,1) -- (0,1);
% Lower Wing
\filldraw[fill=black,draw=black,thick,rounded corners=1mm] (0,0.2) -- (0,1.4) -- (-2,1.4) .. controls (-4,0.8) .. (-4.3,0.2) .. controls (-4.48,0.08) .. (-4.5,-0.15) .. controls (-4.9,-0.5) and (-4.9,-0.7) .. (-4.7,-0.9) .. controls (-4.7,-1) .. (-4.6,-1.1) .. controls (-4.9,-1.8) .. (-4.2,-2) -- (-4,-2.4) .. controls (-4.1,-3) .. (-3.6,-3.1) -- (-3.25,-3.7) .. controls (-3.5,-4.5) .. (-4.1,-5.4) .. controls (-4.2,-5.9) and (-3.6,-5.9) .. (-3.5,-5.4) .. controls (-3.55,-5.1) and (-3.4,-4.8) .. (-3,-4.1) -- (-2.6,-4.1) .. controls (-2.35,-4.35) .. (-2,-4.2) .. controls (-1.75,-4.6) and (-1.25,-4.6) .. (-1.25,-3.90) .. controls (-0.9,-4) .. (-0.6,-2.8) -- (-0.3,-1) -- (0,0.2);
% Upper Wing
\filldraw[fill=black,draw=black,thick] (0,1) -- (0,2.2) [rounded corners=7mm] parabola[bend at end] (-6,6) -- (-5,1) -- (0,1);
% Antenna
\draw[thick] (0,2.7) parabola[bend at end] (-1.5,5.2);
\filldraw[fill=black!80!white!,draw=black,thick] (-1.5,5.2) .. controls ++(-0.2,0.1) and ++(-0.5,-0.3) .. ++(0,0);
\draw[thick] (0,2.7) parabola[bend at end] (-1.5,5.2);
\filldraw[fill=black!80!white!,draw=black,thick] (-1.5,5.2) .. controls ++(-0.2,0.1) and ++(-0.5,-0.3) .. ++(0,0);
% Body
\filldraw[fill=black!80!white!,draw=black,thick,rounded corners=2.5mm] (0,2.5) -- (0.35,2.5) -- (0.45,1.5) -- (0.45,0) -- (0.25,-2) -- (-0.25,-2) -- (-0.45,0) -- (-0.45,1.5) -- (-0.35,2.5) -- (0,2.5);
\shade[inner color=black!70!white!,outer color=black!80!white!] (0,2.24) ellipse (0.35cm and 0.24cm);
\shade[inner color=black!70!white!,outer color=black!80!white!] (0,1.75) ellipse (0.4cm and 0.25cm);
\shade[inner color=black!70!white!,outer color=black!80!white!] (0,1.25) ellipse (0.42cm and 0.25cm);
\shade[inner color=black!70!white!,outer color=black!80!white!] (0,0.75) ellipse (0.42cm and 0.25cm);
\shade[inner color=black!70!white!,outer color=black!80!white!] (0,0.25) ellipse (0.42cm and 0.25cm);
\shade[inner color=black!70!white!,outer color=black!80!white!] (0,-0.25) ellipse (0.4cm and 0.25cm);
\shade[inner color=black!70!white!,outer color=black!80!white!] (0,-0.75) ellipse (0.35cm and 0.25cm);
\shade[inner color=black!70!white!,outer color=black!80!white!] (0,-1.25) ellipse (0.3cm and 0.25cm);
\shade[inner color=black!70!white!,outer color=black!80!white!] (0,-1.74) ellipse (0.25cm and 0.24cm);
% Head
\shadedraw[inner color=black!60!white!,outer color=black!80!white!,draw=black,thick,rounded corners=2mm] (0,3) -- (0.45,3) -- (0.2,2.3) -- (-0.2,2.3) -- (-0.45,3) -- (0,3);
\shadedraw[inner color=white!60!black,outer color=black, draw=black,thick] (-0.25,2.85) circle (0.2cm);
\shadedraw[inner color=white!60!black,outer color=black, draw=black,thick] (0.25,2.85) circle (0.2cm);
% Wings
Not too complicated but it was the last one I draw.
\coordinate (Z\N) at (1.5*\N,0);
\node[thick, circle, minimum size=2*\raio cm, draw] (C\N) at (Z\N){};
\foreach \x in {1,...,\N}{
\coordinate (Z\x) at (1.5*\x,0);
\fill (Z\x) circle (1pt);
\node[circle, minimum size=1.5*\raio cm] (C\x) at (Z\x){};
\ifnum \x=1
\draw[thick] (C1.north) to[out=30,in=150] (C1.east) to[out=-30,in=-10] (C1.south) to[out=170,in=-10] (C1.west) to[out=170,in=210] (C1.north)node[above]{$V_n(x)$};
\node[below] at (Z\x){$x$};
\draw[-latex] (C10) to[out=-60,in=-60]node[below]{$f^{-n}$} (C\x.south);
\draw[-latex] (C1.east) to[out=35,in=140]node[below]{$f^n$} (C\N);
\ifnum \x=2
\node[below] at (Z\x){$f(x)$};
\draw[-latex] (C10) to[out=-65,in=-60]node[above]{$f^{-(n-1)}$} (C\x.south);
\ifnum \x=5
\node[below] at (Z\x){$f^j(x)$};
\draw[-latex] (C10) to[out=-70,in=-60]node[above]{$f^{-j}$} (C\x.south);
\ifnum \x=8
\node[below] at (Z\x){$f^{n-2}(x)$};
\draw[-latex] (C10) to[out=-75,in=-60]node[below]{$f^{-2}$} (C\x.south);
\ifnum \x=9
\node[below] at (Z\x){$f^{n-1}(x)$};
\draw[-latex] (C10) to[out=-85,in=-60]node[above]{$f^{-1}$} (C\x.south);
\ifnum \x=\N
\node[below] at (Z\x){$f^{n}(x)$};
\draw (Z10) --node[above]{$\delta$} ($(Z\N)+(45:\raio cm)$);
\node (contraction) at ($(Z\N)+(-35:3*\raio cm)$){\normalsize contraction};
Just for fun purposes.
\foreach \y in {0,10,...,110}{
\shade[top color=orange,bottom color=yellow] (-2.2,-2.2) rectangle (2.2,2.2);
\shade[ball color=black] (0,0) circle (.25);
\foreach \x in {\y,\y+120,\y+240}{\shadedraw[left color=black,right color=gray] (\x:2) arc (\x:\x+60:2) -- (\x+60:.3) arc (\x+60:\x:.3) -- cycle;}
I am in the process of making an overview of symmetric functions.
For a quick overview how these relate to each other, I made the following two tikz images:
Relations graph Positivity graph
Here is a small part of the relations graph. Arrows indicate relations such as "is superset of", "specialize to", "is related via other transformation", etc.