The following code gives No shape named S.corner 1 is known. error. What am I doing wrong?

        \node[name=S,regular polygon, regular polygon sides=9, draw, minimum width=6cm] at (0,0) {};
        \pic [draw, angle radius=.6cm] {angle = S.corner 1--S.corner 6--S.corner 5};
  • I don't know the \pic command, but \draw (S.corner 1) -- (S.corner 6); works fine with your example. Commented Mar 15, 2019 at 16:16
  • 1
    That's the standard problem that the angle construction adds point anchors center to the coordinates.
    – user121799
    Commented Mar 15, 2019 at 16:38

1 Answer 1


tikzlibraryangles.code.tex contains

  \path [name prefix ..] [pic actions, draw=none] (#2.center)
    -- ++(\tikz@start@angle@temp:\tikz@lib@angle@rad pt)
    -- ++(\tikz@end@angle@temp:\tikz@lib@angle@rad pt)
    -- ++(\tikz@start@angle@temp:-\tikz@lib@angle@rad pt)
    -- cycle;

from which you see that it attaches .center to the second coordinate #2. This does not work if #2 is already an anchor. To work around this problem (rather than redefining \tikz@lib@rightangle@background and the other commands that attach .center), you may just define auxiliary coordinates.

    \node[name=S,regular polygon, 
    regular polygon sides=9, draw, minimum width=6cm] at (0,0) {};
    \path foreach \X in {1,...,9} {(S.corner \X) coordinate (corner \X)};
    \pic [draw, angle radius=.6cm] {angle = corner 1--corner 6--corner 5};

enter image description here

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