I'm trying to test out the Wuerzburg theme for a beamer-presentation, but running into some difficulties with the frame numbers in the header (or footer).
In my preamble I have the following
\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}
\setbeamertemplate{frametitle continuation}[from second][(cont'd)]
The frame numbers show up in the header as desired, but they only look as they should for the first 9 frames. From frame 10/xx and on, something weird happens and the frame numbers end up being like as in the image I've attached. Same thing happens in the footer if i remove the nofootline option from the outer theme.
I've tried to take a look in the .sty file, and other examples I've found online, but since I'm not too familiar with beamer yet I haven't managed to figure out how to fix this.
The beamer theme is available at http://www.cgogolin.de/Computer.html .