In an answer to a previous question, it is explained that


will produce an arrow pointed to the right with the \sim symbol above it (e.g., to indicate that a map is an isomorphism). However, I'm not satisfied with the spacing of this symbol, as it appears too high above the arrow:

sim arrow

Is there a way to move it down? Potentially the arrow would have to be widened a little, to prevent \sim from touching the arrowhead.


2 Answers 2


You could do this with \stackrel and \smash.

enter image description here




$f\colon X\isomto Y$


Adjust the height as you wish by changing the 0.4ex. Note also the use of \colon for proper spacing of functions.

Or if you prefer a larger \sim, try


enter image description here


I add two little answers with an addendum:

1st proposal:

enter image description here


\[f\colon X\overset{\raise-.5ex\hbox{$\sim$}}{\longrightarrow}Y\] 


2nd proposal:

Using tikz-cd package:

enter image description here

\tikzset{close/.style={outer sep=-1.2pt}}
\[\begin{tikzcd}[column sep=.3in]
f: X \arrow[r, close,"\mathlarger{\sim}"] & Y

Addendum of the 2020/04/29: Using stix font where exists a specific symbol named \similarrightarrow. But there is an inconvenience. The stix font change the fonts of the characters and you not have the CM default font.

\[f\colon X \similarrightarrow Y\]

enter image description here

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