As Barbara suggested, create a separate pdf and include it in every document you like.
1) Put the code to create your graph in a standalone
document, let's call it mygraph.tex
. Here an example taken from the pgfplotstable
tag wiki:
% example taken from
# Convergence results
# fictional source, generated 2008
level dof error1 error2 info grad(log(dof),log(error2)) quot(error1)
1 4 2.50000000e-01 7.57858283e-01 48 0 0
2 16 6.25000000e-02 5.00000000e-01 25 -3.00000000e-01 4
3 64 1.56250000e-02 2.87174589e-01 41 -3.99999999e-01 4
4 256 3.90625000e-03 1.43587294e-01 8 -5.00000003e-01 4
5 1024 9.76562500e-04 4.41941738e-02 22 -8.49999999e-01 4
6 4096 2.44140625e-04 1.69802322e-02 46 -6.90000001e-01 4
7 16384 6.10351562e-05 8.20091159e-03 40 -5.24999999e-01 4
8 65536 1.52587891e-05 3.90625000e-03 48 -5.35000000e-01 3.99999999e+00
9 262144 3.81469727e-06 1.95312500e-03 33 -5.00000000e-01 4.00000001e+00
10 1048576 9.53674316e-07 9.76562500e-04 2 -5.00000000e-01 4.00000001e+00
\usepackage{pgfplots, pgfplotstable}
\pgfplotstableset{% global config, for example in the preamble
% these columns/<colname>/.style={<options>} things define a style
% which applies to <colname> only.
columns/dof/.style={int detect,column type=r,column name=\textsc{Dof}},
sci,sci zerofill,sci sep align,precision=1,sci superscript,
column name=$e_1$,
sci,sci zerofill,sci sep align,precision=2,sci 10e,
column name=$e_2$,
string replace={0}{}, % erase ’0’
column name={$\nabla e_2$},
dec sep align,
string replace={0}{}, % erase ’0’
column name={$\frac{e_1^{(n)}}{e_1^{(n-1)}}$}
empty cells with={--}, % replace empty cells with ’--’
every head row/.style={before row=\toprule,after row=\midrule},
every last row/.style={after row=\bottomrule}
% Read the file into a macro and use this to typeset the table
\addplot table[x=level,y=dof] {\loadedtable};
2) Compile it to get mygraph.pdf
3) Put your mygraph.pdf
in every document you like with \includegraphics
\caption{My wonderful graph}
is probably going to be the most efficient method, as long as the graph doesn't change.