I have tried to look for the answer but couldn't find anything that did what I wanted to have.

In appendix, to have the A title-of-the-appendix, it has to be \chapter{title-of-the-appendix}, but then it appear as a chapter entry in toc, but I would like to have 'Appendix' in chapter style and then the different appendices in section style (without the .1). I already has the 'Appendix' as a chapter name in the toc using \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Appendix}

The documentclass is [12pt, a4paper,oneside,article]{memoir} And I am using hyperref.

I am using a master-sub document style, so I would like not to have to place A, B etc infront of the title for the appendices, because of the freedom to change the order of the sub-documents.

I can't provide an MWE, because I couldn't get anything close to what I want, but I hope that someone can solve the problem :)

1 Answer 1


My proposal is just to use \parts in order to separate your document in parts such as "Main Part", "Appendices" etc

Here is how:

\documentclass[12pt, a4paper,oneside,article]{memoir} 

%Simplified solution for spacing after part number from:
% https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/467235/120578

\author{Some Author}

    Some abstract
\part{Main Part}
\chapter{First Chapter}
\section{One section}
\section{Another Section}
\chapter{Second Chapter}
\section{A section of second Chapter}
\section{Another section of second chapter}
\part{Appendix I}
\chapter{First Appendix I Chapter}
\chapter{Second Appendix I Chapter}
\part{Appendix II}
\chapter{First Appendix II Chapter}
\chapter{Second Appendix II Chapter}

enter image description here

Then, you could use the chapter numbers to be inside the part like


and also could set the chapter counter to zero at every part begin like:

\part{Appendix II}
\chapter{First Appendix II Chapter}


Full example:

\documentclass[12pt, a4paper,oneside,article]{memoir} 

%Simplified solution for spacing after part number from:
% https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/467235/120578

\author{Some Author}

    Some abstract
\part{Main Part}
\chapter{First Chapter}
\section{One section}
\section{Another Section}
\chapter{Second Chapter}
\section{A section of second Chapter}
\section{Another section of second chapter}
\part{Appendix I}
\chapter{First Appendix I Chapter}
\chapter{Second Appendix I Chapter}
\part{Appendix II}
\chapter{First Appendix II Chapter}
\chapter{Second Appendix II Chapter}

That gives:

enter image description here

But is you insist in your request, this could solve your problem:

\documentclass[12pt, a4paper,oneside,article]{memoir} 

\author{Some Author}

    Some abstract
\chapter{First Chapter}
\section{One section}
\section{Another Section}
\chapter{Second Chapter}
\section{A section of second Chapter}
\section{Another section of second chapter}

\chapter*{Appendix I}\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Appendix}
\section{First Section of Appendix }
\section{Second Appendix}


enter image description here

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