I would need a list, possibly an array (for later use in a foreach loop / TikZ graphic), which contains the following values (a_n) in order (n = 1,2,3, ...):
45,45,45,45,90,90,90,135,135,135,135,225,225,225,225,270,270,270,270,315,315,315,315 .........
The system is the following:
1x45, 0x90, 1x other angles
2x45, 1x90, 2x other angles
3x45, 2x90, 3x other angles
4x45, 3x90, 4x other angles
Note: I'm not looking for the formula function or anything like that, just looking for a list for TikZ-use.
\documentclass[margin=5pt, varwidth]{standalone}
\foreach[evaluate={\N=int(\n+1)}] \n in {\Start,...,\End}{
\n: \A~