Consider the example attached below, taken from the memoir package documentation.
I would like to be able to replicate how the words "lines" and "nearest" appear in the margins. For example, say I am defining Coulomb's Law, I would like "Coulomb's Law" to appear in the margin in a similar fashion when I write about it in the main body text.
EDIT: I would like to achieve this without the use of a list environment, which for example @Vinccool96 has provided.
EDIT 2: I would like the command to apply to a specific word in a body of text, and produce result as shown in the screenshot, while also retaining the word in the body of text without necessarily altering its in text appearance, just adding the word again in the margin with the \texttt{}
?\documentclass{article} \usepackage{lipsum} \newcommand{\mykeyword}[1]{\reversemarginpar\marginpar{\texttt{#1}}\texttt{#1}} \begin{document} bla bla \mykeyword{word} bla \lipsum[1-7] bla bla \mykeyword{another word} bla \lipsum[8-12] \end{document}