What is the best way of implementing Certified Random coauthors in LaTeX. There is one potential implementation from the comp.text.tex
usenet group that uses perltex
and can be modified as follows:
@authlist = split /\\.*?\{c\}/, $_[0];
foreach (1 .. 3) {
foreach $i (0 .. $#authlist) {
$r = int(rand(@authlist));
($authlist[$i], $authlist[$r]) = ($authlist[$r], $authlist[$i]);
return join(" \\textcircled{r} ", @authlist);
\title{Test of Random Authors}
\author{\shuffleauthors{Arthur Won \and Ardur Tu \and Auzer Trea}}
Unfortunately \thanks
footnotes do not work in this implementation and I'm not enough of a latex
coder to get it to work. Moreover, the ideal implementation would not require perltex