There are two questions hidden in your post, they have two answers that are basically orthogonal:
Speeding up compilation by using tikzexternalize
You don't actually have to write them into separate files to save compilation time. You can leave your code almost unchanged, that's the beauty of it. This is the simplest possible setup with externalization
\tikzexternalize[prefix=figures/] % activate and define figures/ as cache folder
\node {real complex figure};
This will only run if your LaTeX is set up to run with shell escape (pdflatex -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode --shell-escape %.tex
, see here for example)
Having tidy code, by writing TikZ code into separate files:
Of course you can also store the \begin{tikzpicture}...\end{tikzpicture}
code in an external .tex
or .tikz
file and use \input
to include it. But that is a matter of taste and does not affect compilation performance.
You could write
into tikzfigure1.tikz
\node {real complex figure};
I tend to define my own command to include tikz
files, instead of using \input
in order to take care of one more thing:
This will make sure that the externalization is based on the file name (instead of the order) so that it doesn't get confused if you change the orders of TikZ pictures in your document.