I am trying to write some matrices with latex in Keynote and I cant make them the same height. There are some answers to this problem but can't make them work in Keynote.
The equation looks like this:
X'\hat R^{-1}X & X'\hat R^{-1}Z_1 & X'\hat R^{-1}Z_2 & X'\hat R^{-1}Z_3 \\
Z'_1\hat R^{-1}X & Z'_1\hat R^{-1}Z_1 + G^{-1}_1& Z'_1\hat R^{-1}Z_2 & Z'_1\hat R^{-1}Z_3 \\
Z'_2\hat R^{-1}X & Z'_2\hat R^{-1}Z_1 & Z'_2\hat R^{-1}Z_2 + G^{-1}_2& Z'_2\hat R^{-1}Z_3 \\
Z'_3\hat R^{-1}X & Z'_3\hat R^{-1}Z_1 & Z'_3\hat R^{-1}Z_2 & Z'_3\hat R^{-1}Z_3 + G^{-1}_3
\alpha \\
\gamma \\
\delta \\
X'\hat R^{-1}y \\
Z'_1\hat R^{-1}y \\
Z'_2\hat R^{-1}y \\
Z'_3\hat R^{-1}y