I have a lot of molecules to draw.

For teaching purposes I need to color certain atoms or group of atoms.

enter image description here

Due to alignment of the main chain, I'm using a | symbol after each atom on group, combined with textcolor , to change color them, the same way as used by unbonpetit.

But actually this is tedious, and I would like a more easy/simple/short mode to do that.

That is my code:

\tikzset{brace/.style = { decorate, decoration={brace, amplitude=5pt} }}

    atom sep=17pt, 
    bond offset=1pt


        ([xshift=30pt, yshift=-1pt]bond1) -- 
        ([xshift=30pt, yshift= 1pt]bond2)
        node[midway, right=5pt]{\blue{\textsc{l}-\textit{gluco}-}};
        ([xshift=30pt, yshift=0]bond2) -- 
        ([xshift=30pt, yshift=0]bond3)
        node[midway, right=5pt]{\red{\textsc{l}-\textit{erythro}-}};

I would appreciate any help!


1 Answer 1

\setchemfig{atom sep=17pt,bond offset=1pt}

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