Please can someone show me how to draw the diagram (photo) using TikZ package.
I just arrived to the following diagram
by using the following code
\documentclass[smallextended]{svjour3} % onecolumn (second format)
%\documentclass[twocolumn]{svjour3} % twocolumn
\smartqed % flush right qed marks, e.g. at end of proof
\usepackage{amsfonts, amssymb, amsmath, graphicx, hyperref, etoolbox, algorithm, tikz, algpseudocode, algorithm, algorithmicx, tabu, longtable, mathtools, qtree, xcolor, framed, lipsum, caption}
\usetikzlibrary{shapes.geometric, arrows, calc, intersections}
\tikz[remember picture,baseline=(#1.base),inner sep=0pt] \node (#1) {$#2$};
\tikz[remember picture,baseline=(#1.base),inner sep=0pt] \node (#1) {#2};%
roundnode/.style={circle, draw=green!60, fill=green!5, very thick, minimum size=7mm},
squarednode/.style={rectangle, draw=black!60, fill=red!5, very thick, minimum size=5mm},
\node[squarednode] (maintopic) {BM};
\node[squarednode] (uppersquare) [above=of maintopic] {MC};
\node[squarednode] (rightsquare) [right=of maintopic] {FM};
\node[squarednode] (lowersquare) [above=of rightsquare] {TM};
\draw[->] (uppersquare.south) -- (maintopic.north);
\draw[->] (maintopic.east) -- (rightsquare.west);
\draw[->] (rightsquare.north) -- (lowersquare.south);
\draw[->] (uppersquare.east) -- (lowersquare.west);
%\draw[->] (rightsquare.south) .. controls +(down:7mm) and +(right:7mm) .. (lowercircle.east);