In a presentation made with beamer
I'd like to have multiples of a small graphic (Easter egg, duck...) in the bottom right corner, where the number of graphics corresponds to the current frame number. If a frame is split into several slides using overlays, all slides have the same frame number and therefore should have the same number of graphics. The navigation symbols should not be visible. Also, if possible, I'd like to be able to stack the graphics in rows by giving a maximum row length (as an integer), after which a new row above the old one is filled.
Is there any way to achieve this?
This is (kind of) a MWE that contains the packages I typically use for presentations in order to check for compatibility.
{ \usetheme{Boadilla}
\title{Easter Ducks}
\author{Prof.\ van Duck}
\institute{Duck University}
\begin{frame}{Frame 1}
\only<1>{Text 1}
\only<2->{Text 2}
\begin{frame}{Frame 2}
\ch{SO2} \pause \\
or something else? Do you want to keep the current frame number or drop it. And so on.