What I'm trying to do is pretty basic it seems, but it's also above my pay grade: change the font and the color used for the TOC title Contents
and the LOT title List of Tables
(see attached screen caps).
I'd like the Candara font I use for my chapters, and the color I've picked for them, to be used for both "Table of Contents" and "List of Tables"
% PREAMBLE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%\usepackage[top=3cm, bottom=3.2cm, left=2.5cm, right=2.5cm]{geometry}
\usepackage{tocloft} % Customization of TOC LOF LOT
\usepackage[table,xcdraw]{xcolor} % For shading in tables
%\usepackage{lscape} %to put the long table of dwellings sideways
\usepackage{nicefrac} % to write fractions
\usepackage{attrib} % For source of quotations
\usepackage{lettrine} % For NewThought formatting
\usepackage{array} % To define width of columns in long table
\usepackage{booktabs} % Nicer spacing in columns
\usepackage{siunitx} % To write Celsius, etc.
\usepackage{enumitem} % To create item lists
\usepackage{caption} % To change way captions are labelled
\usepackage{threeparttable} % For table notes + To allow footnote material to stay with the tabular environment
\usepackage{etoolbox} % To make table footnote font smaller
\usepackage{textcomp} % For Numero symbol
\usepackage{newpxtext} % Font for document instead of obsolete Palatino
% To make TOC in two columns and List of Tables into one column.
% CHAPTER, SECTION, SUBSECTION STYLE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
{\bfseries\color{blue}\filcenter\fontsize{35}{35}\headingfont} % Size of Chapter1&Chapter
{\huge\MakeUppercase\headingfont{\chaptertitlename} \thechapter}
{\tikz[remember picture,overlay]\node[inner sep=0pt] at ($(current page.north) +
(0pt,-117pt)$) {\includegraphics[width=14cm]{chapterHead_10cm}};}
% To inlcude background wallpaper/image
% FRONTMATTER STARTS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\thispagestyle{plain} % To not have "List of Tables appear" at the top of the "Preface" page
\thispagestyle{plain} % To not have "List of Tables appear" at the top of the "Preface" page
% MAINMATTER STARTS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
I can't test, because no MWE.fontspec
, which selects modern fonts. It won’t work (although it could be made to if you really wanted). You should remove the packagesfontenc
, and add the command\setmainfont[Scale=1.0]{Candara}
. If you want a font that looks likenewpx
, either replaceCandara
withTeX Gyre Pagella
, or better yet, use the original both of them are cloned from:\setmainfont[Scale=1.0, Ligatures={Common, Rare, TeX}]{Palatino Linotype}