I have the following table with environment threeparttable which can't fit on one page. I was pretty happy with all my LaTeX code and would really appreciate a solution where I don't need to change the interior of the table or write all the numbers again.


\usepackage{booktabs, caption}


        \caption{Pooled OLS and Fixed effects estimation on the initial model (eq. 1)}
           \(Dependent variable: \Delta H_{it}\)  & \( Initial\ POLS \) & \( Initial\ FE \) & \ \\
    $Male$ & -.00154*** &  & &  &  \\
           & (.00033) &&&& \\
    $Age$ & .00195*** & .00094 &  &  &  \\
    & (.00069) & (.00113) &&& \\
    $Age^{2}$ & -.00002*** & -.00002*** &  &  &  \\
    & (.00000) & (.00000) &&& \\
    $Black$ & .00180*** &  &  & &  \\
    & (.00052) &&&& \\
    $Hispanic$ & .00095 &  &  & &  \\
    & (.00068) &&&& \\
    $Married/partner$ & -.00069*** & -.00357*** &  &  &  \\
    & (.00043) & (.00127) &&& \\
    $log(assets)$ & .00055*** & .00031* & 0.362 & 0 & 1 \\
    & (.00008) &(.00017) &&& \\
    $log(debt)$ & -.00016*** & -.00006 & 0.245 & 0 & 1 \\
    & (.00005) & (.00008)&&& \\
    $Some highschool$ & .00146** & &  &  &  \\
    & (.00063) &&&& \\
    $Highschool (GED)$ & .00120** &  &  & &  \\
    & (.00057) &&&& \\
    $AA$ & .00122 &  &  &  &  \\
    & (.00084) &&&& \\
    $Bachelor degree$ & .00228*** &  &  & &  \\
    & (.00067) &&&& \\
    $Graduate degree$ & .00287*** &  &  &  & \\
    & (.00067) &&&& \\
    $RS_{it}$* & -.00884*** & -.00717*** &  &  &  \\
    & (.00101) & (.00112) &&& \\
    $RL_{it}$ & -.00014 & .00135 &  &  &  \\
    & (.00051) & (.00089) &&& \\
    $Constant$ & -.07498*** & -.00814 &  & &  \\
    & (.02142) & (.04949) &&& \\
    $time$ & &  &  &  &  \\
    3 & .00209* & .00369* &  &  &  \\
    & (.00051) & (.00193) &&& \\
    4 & -.00717 & -.00398 &  &  &  \\
    & (.00104) & (.00323) &&& \\
    5 & .004299*** & .00950** &  &  &  \\
    & (.00097) & (.00468) &&& \\
    6 & -.00268*** & .00476 &  & &  \\
    & (.00100) & (.00636) &&& \\
    7 & -.00348*** & .00602 &  & & \\
    & (.00104) & (.00787) &&& \\
    8 & -.00000 & .01158 &  &  &  \\
    & (.00091) & (.00949) &&& \\
    9 & -.00327*** & .01006 &  &  &  \\
    & (.00095) & (.01099) &&& \\
    10 & -.00154 & .01719 &  &  &  \\
    & (.00100) & (.01278) &&& \\

          \item Notes:
          \item *: dummy variable estimates refer to sample                     proportions rather than averages
          \item A: Originally 1 - excellent, 2 - very good, 3 - good, 4 - fair, 5 - poor. Probit estimations did not work so I rescaled to 0 - poor, 0.25 - fair, 0.5 - good, 0.75 - very good, 1 - excellent
          \item B: See section 3.2

I also tried this:


    \usepackage{booktabs, caption}



        \textbf{First entry} & \textbf{Second entry} & \textbf{Third entry} & \textbf{Fourth entry} \\
        {\tablename\ \thetable\ -- \textit{Continued from previous page}} \\
        \textbf{First entry} & \textbf{Second entry} & \textbf{Third entry} & \textbf{Fourth entry} \\
        \hline \multicolumn{4}{r}{\textit{Continued on next page}} \\

            \caption{Pooled OLS and Fixed effects estimation on the initial model (eq. 1)}
               \(Dependent variable: \Delta H_{it}\)  & \( Initial\ POLS \) & \( Initial\ FE \) & \ \\

        $Male$ & -.00154*** &  & &  &  \\
               & (.00033) &&&& \\
        $Age$ & .00195*** & .00094 &  &  &  \\
        & (.00069) & (.00113) &&& \\
        $Age^{2}$ & -.00002*** & -.00002*** &  &  &  \\
        & (.00000) & (.00000) &&& \\
        $Black$ & .00180*** &  &  & &  \\
        & (.00052) &&&& \\
        $Hispanic$ & .00095 &  &  & &  \\
        & (.00068) &&&& \\
        $Married/partner$ & -.00069*** & -.00357*** &  &  &  \\
        & (.00043) & (.00127) &&& \\
        $log(assets)$ & .00055*** & .00031* & 0.362 & 0 & 1 \\
        & (.00008) &(.00017) &&& \\
        $log(debt)$ & -.00016*** & -.00006 & 0.245 & 0 & 1 \\
        & (.00005) & (.00008)&&& \\
        $Some highschool$ & .00146** & &  &  &  \\
        & (.00063) &&&& \\
        $Highschool (GED)$ & .00120** &  &  & &  \\
        & (.00057) &&&& \\
        $AA$ & .00122 &  &  &  &  \\
        & (.00084) &&&& \\
        $Bachelor degree$ & .00228*** &  &  & &  \\
        & (.00067) &&&& \\
        $Graduate degree$ & .00287*** &  &  &  & \\
        & (.00067) &&&& \\
        $RS_{it}$* & -.00884*** & -.00717*** &  &  &  \\
        & (.00101) & (.00112) &&& \\
        $RL_{it}$ & -.00014 & .00135 &  &  &  \\
        & (.00051) & (.00089) &&& \\
        $Constant$ & -.07498*** & -.00814 &  & &  \\
        & (.02142) & (.04949) &&& \\
        $time$ & &  &  &  &  \\
        3 & .00209* & .00369* &  &  &  \\
        & (.00051) & (.00193) &&& \\
        4 & -.00717 & -.00398 &  &  &  \\
        & (.00104) & (.00323) &&& \\
        5 & .004299*** & .00950** &  &  &  \\
        & (.00097) & (.00468) &&& \\
        6 & -.00268*** & .00476 &  & &  \\
        & (.00100) & (.00636) &&& \\
        7 & -.00348*** & .00602 &  & & \\
        & (.00104) & (.00787) &&& \\
        8 & -.00000 & .01158 &  &  &  \\
        & (.00091) & (.00949) &&& \\
        9 & -.00327*** & .01006 &  &  &  \\
        & (.00095) & (.01099) &&& \\
        10 & -.00154 & .01719 &  &  &  \\
        & (.00100) & (.01278) &&& \\


              \item Notes:
              \item *: dummy variable estimates refer to sample                     proportions rather than averages
              \item A: Originally 1 - excellent, 2 - very good, 3 - good, 4 - fair, 5 - poor. Probit estimations did not work so I rescaled to 0 - poor, 0.25 - fair, 0.5 - good, 0.75 - very good, 1 - excellent
              \item B: See section 3.2


  • Please add a preamble with the necessary packages and beginning with \documentclass and ending with \end{document}.
    – Bernard
    Commented Apr 18, 2019 at 18:00
  • 1
    unrelated but never use math italic for words like $Married/partner$ the math font is designed to separate letters so they look like a product of variables not a word. so $\log(\mathrm{assets})$ not $log(assets)$ Commented Apr 18, 2019 at 18:00
  • @DavidCarlisle you mean all my variable names should be non-italic? except when using operators like "log" ? Commented Apr 18, 2019 at 18:05
  • if you want then italic that is fine but use \mathit compare $difficult$ and $\mathit{difficult}$ \log does not just use the right font it also provides the right spacing. $\log x$ is not the same a $\mathrm{log} x$ Commented Apr 18, 2019 at 18:12
  • First, lose the center environment. See also tex.stackexchange.com/questions/359903/… Commented Apr 18, 2019 at 18:57

1 Answer 1


I show you a possibility to change your second table compiling with longtable and threeparttablex.

Please see that I did a pretty printing of your table tex code I recommend to get a table code the reader can better understand and to be able to find easy the cell he needs to change ...

Because your given code seems to be a mix of several tries I simply reduced the length of your used cell titles. At last you have to rework the complete table to fit your needs. BTW: the header for the last two columns in the table are missing. But the following is a starting point containing a compilable threeparttable in combination with longtable:


\usepackage{longtable} % <==============================================
\usepackage[]{threeparttablex} % <======================================





  \item Notes:
  \item *: dummy variable estimates refer to sample proportions rather than averages
  \item A: Originally 1 - excellent, 2 - very good, 3 - good, 4 - fair, 
    5 - poor. Probit estimations did not work so I rescaled to 0 - poor, 
    0.25 - fair, 0.5 - good, 0.75 - very good, 1 - excellent
  \item B: See section 3.2

  \caption{Pooled OLS and Fixed effects estimation on the initial model (eq. 1)}\label{tab:OLS}\\
  \textbf{Dependent:}          & \textbf{Initial} & \textbf{Initial} & \textbf{Fourth} & 5 & 6\\
  \textbf{$\Delta H_{it}$}     & \textbf{POLS}    & \textbf{FE}      & \textbf{Fourth} & & \\
    {\tablename\ \thetable\ -- \textit{Continued from previous page}} \\
  \textbf{Dependent:}          & \textbf{Initial} & \textbf{Initial} & \textbf{Fourth} & 5 & 6\\
  \textbf{$\Delta H_{it}$}     & \textbf{POLS}    & \textbf{FE}      & \textbf{Fourth} & & \\
  \multicolumn{6}{r}{\textit{Continued on next page}} \\
  \insertTableNotes % <========== tell LaTeX where to insert the table-related notes
  Male               & -.00154*** &            &       &   &  \\
                     & (.00033)   &            &       &   & \\
  Age                & .00195***  & .00094     &       &   &  \\
                     & (.00069)   & (.00113)   &       &   & \\
  Age$^{2}$          & -.00002*** & -.00002*** &       &   &  \\
                     & (.00000)   & (.00000)   &       &   & \\
  Black              & .00180***  &            &       &   &  \\
                     & (.00052)   &            &       &   & \\
  Hispanic           & .00095     &            &       &   &  \\
                     & (.00068)   &            &       &   & \\
  Married/partner    & -.00069*** & -.00357*** &       &   &  \\
                     & (.00043)   & (.00127)   &       &   & \\
  log(assets)        & .00055***  & .00031*    & 0.362 & 0 & 1 \\
                     & (.00008)   &(.00017)    &       &   & \\
  log(debt)          & -.00016*** & -.00006    & 0.245 & 0 & 1 \\
                     & (.00005)   & (.00008)   &       &   & \\
  Some highschool    & .00146**   &            &       &   &  \\
                     & (.00063)   &            &       &   & \\
  Highschool (GED)   & .00120**   &            &       &   &  \\
                     & (.00057)   &            &       &   & \\
  AA                 & .00122     &            &       &   &  \\
                     & (.00084)   &            &       &   & \\
  Bachelor degree    & .00228***  &            &       &   &  \\
                     & (.00067)   &            &       &   & \\
  Graduate degree    & .00287***  &            &       &   & \\
                     & (.00067)   &            &       &   & \\
  RS$_{it}$*         & -.00884*** & -.00717*** &       &   &  \\
                     & (.00101)   & (.00112)   &       &   & \\
  RL$_{it}$          & -.00014    & .00135     &       &   &  \\
                     & (.00051)   & (.00089)   &       &   & \\
  Constant           & -.07498*** & -.00814    &       &   &  \\
                     & (.02142)   & (.04949)   &       &   & \\
  time               &            &            &       &   &  \\
  3                  & .00209*    & .00369*    &       &   &  \\
                     & (.00051)   & (.00193)   &       &   & \\
  4                  & -.00717    & -.00398    &       &   &  \\
                     & (.00104)   & (.00323)   &       &   & \\
  5                  & .004299*** & .00950**   &       &   &  \\
                     & (.00097)   & (.00468)   &       &   & \\
  6                  & -.00268*** & .00476     &       &   &  \\
                     & (.00100)   & (.00636)   &       &   & \\
  7                  & -.00348*** & .00602     &       &   & \\
                     & (.00104)   & (.00787)   &       &   & \\
  8                  & -.00000    & .01158     &       &   &  \\
                     & (.00091)   & (.00949)   &       &   & \\
  9                  & -.00327*** & .01006     &       &   &  \\
                     & (.00095)   & (.01099)   &       &   & \\
  10                 & -.00154    & .01719     &       &   &  \\
                     & (.00100)   & (.01278)   &       &   & \\


resulting in:

first page

and the second page:

second page

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