Change inner xsep
shadows, shapes.arrows,shapes, fit}
sum/.style = {draw, circle, node distance = 2cm}, % Adder
input/.style = {coordinate}, % Input
output/.style = {coordinate}, % Output
block/.style = { draw,
minimum height = 2em,
wide block/.style = {
minimum height = 3em,
text width=2.5cm,
minimum width = 8em,
dotted_block/.style={draw=black!20!white, line width=1pt, dash pattern=on 1pt off 4pt on 6pt off 4pt,
inner ysep=6mm,inner xsep=3mm, rectangle, rounded corners}
\begin{tikzpicture}[auto, thick, node distance=2cm, >=triangle 45]
node at (0,0){}
node [input, name=input1] {}
node [align=center, wide block, right = 1cm of input1] (inte2) {IEEE1}
node [align=center, wide block, right = 1cm of inte2] (inte3) {IEEE2}
node [align=center, wide block, right = 1cm of inte3] (inte4) {IEEE3}
node [sum, right = 1cm of inte4] (suma1) {\suma}
node [input, name=input2, above = 1cm of suma1] {}
node [output, name=output1, right = 1cm of suma1] {};
\node [align=center, wide block, right = 0.5cm of output1] (glamor) {glamor};
\node[wide block, right = 15mm of glamor] (trainer) {trainer};
\node[block, below=10mm of glamor](M){giga};
\node[block, below=10mm of trainer](L){mn};
\node [dotted_block, fit = (inte2) (inte3)] (aa) {};
\node [dotted_block, fit = (inte4) (suma1)] (aa2) {};
\node [dotted_block, fit = (glamor) (trainer) (L) (M)] (aa3) {};
\node at (aa.north) [above, inner sep=3mm] {T1};
\node at (aa2.north) [above, inner sep=3mm] {T2};
\node at (aa3.north) [above, inner sep=3mm] {T3};
\draw[->](input1) -- node {kmm}(inte2);
\draw[->](inte2) -- node {kdd}(inte3);
\draw[->](inte3) -- node {dx}(inte4);
\draw[->](inte4) -- node {msg}(suma1);
\draw[->](input2) -- node {taco} (suma1);
\draw[<-](glamor.west) --node[above]{$y$} ++(-1.5,0);
\draw[->](glamor) -- node {dol} (trainer);
\draw[->](trainer.east) -- node[name=y]{kmm} ++ (2,0);
\draw[->,rounded corners](trainer.east) -- ++(1,0) |- (L);
\draw[<-, rounded corners]([yshift=1mm]glamor.south west)
-- ++(-1,0) |- (M.west);
Here is another version with individual inner xsep
s and an xshift
shadows, shapes.arrows,shapes, fit}
sum/.style = {draw, circle, node distance = 2cm}, % Adder
input/.style = {coordinate}, % Input
output/.style = {coordinate}, % Output
block/.style = { draw,
minimum height = 2em,
wide block/.style = {
minimum height = 3em,
text width=2.5cm,
minimum width = 8em,
dotted_block/.style={draw=black!20!white, line width=1pt, dash pattern=on 1pt off 4pt on 6pt off 4pt,
inner ysep=6mm,inner xsep=4mm, rectangle, rounded corners}
\begin{tikzpicture}[auto, thick, node distance=2cm, >=triangle 45]
node at (0,0){}
node [input, name=input1] {}
node [align=center, wide block, right = 1cm of input1] (inte2) {IEEE1}
node [align=center, wide block, right = 1cm of inte2] (inte3) {IEEE2}
node [align=center, wide block, right = 1cm of inte3] (inte4) {IEEE3}
node [sum, right = 1cm of inte4] (suma1) {\suma}
node [input, name=input2, above = 1cm of suma1] {}
node [output, name=output1, right = 1cm of suma1] {};
\node [align=center, wide block, right = 0.5cm of output1] (glamor) {glamor};
\node[wide block, right = 15mm of glamor] (trainer) {trainer};
\node[block, below=10mm of glamor](M){giga};
\node[block, below=10mm of trainer](L){mn};
\node [dotted_block, fit = (inte2) (inte3)] (aa) {};
\node [dotted_block, fit = (inte4) (suma1)] (aa2) {};
\node [dotted_block, fit = (glamor) (trainer) (L) (M),inner xsep=9mm,xshift=4mm] (aa3) {};
\node at (aa.north) [above, inner sep=3mm] {T1};
\node at (aa2.north) [above, inner sep=3mm] {T2};
\node at (aa3.north) [above, inner sep=3mm] {T3};
\draw[->](input1) -- node {kmm}(inte2);
\draw[->](inte2) -- node {kdd}(inte3);
\draw[->](inte3) -- node {dx}(inte4);
\draw[->](inte4) -- node {msg}(suma1);
\draw[->](input2) -- node {taco} (suma1);
\draw[<-](glamor.west) --node[above]{$y$} ++(-1.5,0);
\draw[->](glamor) -- node {dol} (trainer);
\draw[->](trainer.east) -- node[name=y]{kmm} ++ (2,0);
\draw[->,rounded corners](trainer.east) -- ++(1,0) |- (L);
\draw[<-, rounded corners]([yshift=1mm]glamor.south west)
-- ++(-1,0) |- (M.west);
Another possibility is to use some auxiliary nodes as landmarks and fit these.
shadows, shapes.arrows,shapes, fit}
sum/.style = {draw, circle, node distance = 2cm}, % Adder
input/.style = {coordinate}, % Input
output/.style = {coordinate}, % Output
block/.style = { draw,
minimum height = 2em,
wide block/.style = {
minimum height = 3em,
text width=2.5cm,
minimum width = 8em,
dotted_block/.style={draw=black!20!white, line width=1pt, dash pattern=on 1pt off 4pt on 6pt off 4pt,
inner ysep=6mm,inner xsep=1mm, rectangle, rounded corners}
\begin{tikzpicture}[auto, thick, node distance=2cm, >=triangle 45]
node at (0,0){}
node [input, name=input1] {}
node [align=center, wide block, right = 1cm of input1] (inte2) {IEEE1}
node [align=center, wide block, right = 1cm of inte2] (inte3) {IEEE2}
node [align=center, wide block, right = 1cm of inte3] (inte4) {IEEE3}
node [sum, right = 1cm of inte4] (suma1) {\suma}
node [input, name=input2, above = 1cm of suma1] {}
node [output, name=output1, right = 1cm of suma1] {};
\node [align=center, wide block, right = 0.5cm of output1] (glamor) {glamor};
\node[wide block, right = 15mm of glamor] (trainer) {trainer};
\node[block, below=10mm of glamor](M){giga};
\node[block, below=10mm of trainer](L){mn};
\draw[->](input1) -- node (kmm1) {kmm}(inte2);
\draw[->](inte2) -- node {kdd}(inte3);
\draw[->](inte3) -- node (dx) {dx}(inte4);
\draw[->](inte4) -- node {msg}(suma1);
\draw[->](input2) -- node {taco} (suma1);
\draw[<-](glamor.west) --node[above]{$y$} ++(-1.5,0);
\draw[->](glamor) -- node {dol} (trainer);
\draw[->](trainer.east) -- node[name=y]{kmm} ++ (2,0);
\draw[->,rounded corners](trainer.east) -- ++(1,0) |- (L);
\draw[<-, rounded corners]([yshift=1mm]glamor.south west)
-- ++(-1,0) coordinate[left=1mm](aux) |- (M.west);
\node [dotted_block, fit =( (inte2) (inte3) (dx.west)] (aa) {};
\node [dotted_block, fit = (inte4) (suma1) (dx.east)] (aa2) {};
\node [dotted_block, fit = (glamor) (trainer) (L) (M) (y) (aux)] (aa3) {};
\node at (aa.north) [above, inner sep=3mm] {T1};
\node at (aa2.north) [above, inner sep=3mm] {T2};
\node at (aa3.north) [above, inner sep=3mm] {T3};