How can I add the list of algorithms from algorithm2e to the table of contents of a KOMA-Script class?


\setuptoc{loa}{totoc} %does not work






this is an algorithm


The use of the global option dotocloa, which loads the package tocbibind is disliked by KOMA-Script classes.

1 Answer 1


To get the list of algorithms under control of package tocbasic use




\addtotoclist[float]{loa}% <- added
\renewcommand\listofalgorithms{\listoftoc[{\listalgorithmcfname}]{loa}}% <- added

this is an algorithm


With float in the optional argument of \addtotoclist the list of algorithms has the same owner like LOF and LOT. Therefore listof=totoc adds also the LOA to the Table of Contents.

If you choose another owner or omitt the optional argument, you have to add \setuptoc{loa}{totoc}:


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