Hello fellows and folks!
Could you give me a hint/hand with this plot? Then I can use it as a template for further plots :)
I have the y coordinates, they are like 25 values. But the x coordinates were generated with python list comp. e.g. [i for i in np.argange(0,202,2)]. How can I deal with that here? So far, I have found this, but I don't know how generate the "x" coordinates.
\begin{loglogaxis}[ xlabel={Degrees of freedom},
ylabel={$L_2$ Error} ]
\addplot coordinates { (5,8.312e-02) (17,2.547e-02)
(49,7.407e-03) (129,2.102e-03)
(321,5.874e-04) (769,1.623e-04)
(4097,1.207e-05) (9217,3.261e-06) };
\addplot coordinates{ (7,8.472e-02)
(18943,2.873e-05) (47103,8.437e-06) };
\addplot coordinates{ (9,7.881e-02)
(49,3.243e-02) (209,1.232e-02)
(769,4.454e-03) (2561,1.551e-03)
(7937,5.236e-04) (23297,1.723e-04)
(65537,5.545e-05) (178177,1.751e-05) };
\addplot coordinates{ (11,6.887e-02)
(351,1.341e-02) (1471,5.334e-03)
(5503,2.027e-03) (18943,7.415e-04)
(187903,9.063e-05) (553983,3.053e-05) };
\addplot coordinates{ (13,5.755e-02)
(97,2.925e-02) (545,1.351e-02)
(2561,5.842e-03) (10625,2.397e-03)
(40193,9.414e-04) (141569,3.564e-04)
(471041,1.308e-04) (1496065,4.670e-05) };
\legend{$d=2$,$d=3$,$d=4$,$d=5$,$d=6$} \end{loglogaxis}
I really appreciate it!
I'm having trouble with the labels:
\begin{axis}[xlabel={Degrees of freedom},
axis lines=middle,
grid style={dashed},
x expression=\coordindex*<something>
. If you want a more concrete answer, consider making the question more concrete.